
2月 24, 2023


ベーカリー、バー、コンフェクショナリー ニュース


men with bread
Striving for more consistent baking? It’s time for flour power: with Panamore® Xtense

If you’re a baker, you won’t need dsm-firmenich to tell you about the challenges currently facing the industry – from raw material shortages to rising fuel and energy costs to disrupted supply chains.  

The question is what you can do today to combat these challenges and stop them from compromising both your profitability and the taste, texture, shelf life and health of your baked goods? In these times of geopolitical and commercial upheaval, our baking experts have been focusing hard on this question. Our solution? Flour power. 

Striving for more consistent baking? It’s time for flour power: with Panamore® Xtense

If you’re a baker, you won’t need dsm-firmenich to tell you about the challenges currently facing the industry – from raw material shortages to rising fuel and energy costs to disrupted supply chains.  

The question is what you can do today to combat these challenges and stop them from compromising both your profitability and the taste, texture, shelf life and health of your baked goods? In these times of geopolitical and commercial upheaval, our baking experts have been focusing hard on this question. Our solution? Flour power. 

The impact of FFAs

より安定したベーキングをお望みなら、Panamore® Xtenseをご利用ください。


問題は、こうした課題に立ち向かい、収益性と焼き菓子の味、食感、保存性、健康の両方を損なわないようにするために、今日何ができるかということだ。 地政学的・商業的な激動の時代にあって、当社の製パン専門家はこの問題に真剣に取り組んできた。 当社の解決策は、小麦粉パワーだ。 


小麦粉の種類や品質によっては、焼き菓子のFFA(遊離脂肪酸)含有量を増加させる可能性があることはよく知られています。 これは焼き菓子の安定性に悪影響を与えたり、リッチなレシピで異臭を増加させたりする可能性があります。

例えば、小麦粉を輸入する場合、長い輸送時間と高い保管温度によって品質が損なわれる可能性がある。 さらに、従来は生地の耐性と安定性を向上させてきた合成乳化剤が、現在ではさらに高価になっているため、この問題はさらに深刻化している。 

そこで、当社の専門家は、お客様が直面する困難なアプリケーションとプロセス、特に高FFA含量の影響を受けるプロセスに特に焦点を当て、この課題に深く取り組みました。 当然のことながら、彼らは、当社の多くの実績ある製パンソリューションの中心に位置する技術、すなわち酵素に目を向けました。 より具体的には、(ホスホ)リパーゼです。 10年前から、リパーゼは、小麦粉中の乳化剤の一部または全部を置き換え、生地の安定性を向上させるために、当社のPanamore®シリーズを通じて販売されてきました。そして今、当社は、全く新しい酵素、Panamore® Xtense を用いて、これを次のレベルに引き上げました。


Panamore® Xtense は、FFA含量の高い白玉粉と全粒粉の両方、および冷凍生地に最適です。  乳製品由来の油脂を使用したブリオッシュのようなリッチな用途において、オフフレーバーの発生を防ぐだけでなく、生地の安定性を維持し、最終製品のボリュームと形状を向上させる。 

さらに、Panamore® Xtenseは、パン生地やパンにおいて同様の性能を達成しながら、従来の乳化剤よりもはるかに少ない添加量で酵素溶液を使用できるため、パン製造業者に貴重なコスト削減をもたらします。 



酵素は、DATEMのような乳化剤に比べて二酸化炭素排出量が少ない。 必要量が少ないだけでなく、かなり低い温度で処理されるからである。 さらに、酵素は最終製品では活性を持たない加工助剤とみなされるため、ラベルに記載する必要がない。 そのため、DATEM(正式名称:モノおよびジグリセリドのジアセチル酒石酸エステル)に比べて消費者にとって魅力的である。


Panamore® Xtense は、このような課題を解決するDSMのソリューションのひとつであり、収益性を高めながら、安定しない原材料でより安定したパンを焼くにはどうすればよいかという問題に答えるものです。 

DSMのソリューションは、科学的な知識だけでなく、ベーカリーのニーズに的確に対応するための実践的な応用方法まで、DSMの製パン専門家があらゆる段階でサポートします。 最終的には、お客様と消費者の皆様に楽しんでいただきたいと思っています。 そのために、小麦粉パワーがどのようにお役に立てるか、ぜひお問い合わせください。

Introducing Panamore® Xtense
Panamore® Xtense is ideal for both white and whole wheat flour with a higher FFA content - as well as frozen dough.  Not only does it help prevent the formation of off-flavors in rich applications like brioche made with dairy derived fats; it also maintains stability in dough and improves the volume and shape in the end-product - including a good crust opening when baking frozen dough products. 

Furthermore, Panamore® Xtense delivers valuable cost savings to the baker because enzymatic solutions are used in much lower dosages than traditional emulsifiers - all while attaining similar performance in dough and bread. 

Introducing Panamore® Xtense

Panamore® Xtense is ideal for both white and whole wheat flour with a higher FFA content - as well as frozen dough.  Not only does it help prevent the formation of off-flavors in rich applications like brioche made with dairy derived fats; it also maintains stability in dough and improves the volume and shape in the end-product - including a good crust opening when baking frozen dough products. 

Furthermore, Panamore® Xtense delivers valuable cost savings to the baker because enzymatic solutions are used in much lower dosages than traditional emulsifiers - all while attaining similar performance in dough and bread. 

Healthier people and planet
Healthier people and planet

Beyond improving both the sensory properties and shelf life in challenging baking applications, there is another key benefit to flour power: health of both people and planet.

Enzymes have a lower carbon footprint compared to emulsifiers like DATEM; not just due to the lower dosages required, but also because they are processed at significantly lower temperatures. Furthermore, enzymes are considered to be processing aids which are not active in the final product, and thus do not need to be mentioned on the label. This in turn makes them more appealing to consumers compared to DATEM (full name: diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono-and-diglycerides).

Rising to the challenge 

Right now, the geopolitical climate has created some serious pain points for the industry. Panamore® Xtense is just one of several dsm-firmenich solutions that rise to these challenges - and answer the question of how to bake more consistently with inconsistent raw materials, while increasing profitability. 

Just as importantly, all dsm-firmenich solutions are supported every step of the way by dsm-firmenich baking experts who not only understand the science, but also how they can be applied on a practical level to meet the precise needs of every bakery. Ultimately, we want you and your consumers to enjoy it all. So why not get in touch to discover how flour power can help you achieve it.

men with bread
Rising to the challenge

Right now, the geopolitical climate has created some serious pain points for the industry. Panamore® Xtense is just one of several dsm-firmenich solutions that rise to these challenges - and answer the question of how to bake more consistently with inconsistent raw materials, while increasing profitability. 

Just as importantly, all dsm-firmenich solutions are supported every step of the way by dsm-firmenich baking experts who not only understand the science, but also how they can be applied on a practical level to meet the precise needs of every bakery. Ultimately, we want you and your consumers to enjoy it all. So why not get in touch to discover how flour power can help you achieve it.

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