


健康で充実した生活を送るためには、栄養が必要です。私たちは、消費者の心に深く響く製品を発売し、市場で優位に立てるよう、消費者中心のデータを用いて、Health Benefits& Solutionsのポートフォリオを設計しました。 


腸からの健康をサポートするには、「一長一短」のアプローチはありません。 だからこそ、私たちは腸の健康革新に異なるアプローチを取っているのです。 私たちのHumiome®ポートフォリオは、腸内バリアの完全性をサポートすると同時に、マイクロバイオームに依存しないメカニズムを強化し、ホリスティックな健康のために腸の真の力を引き出します。 腸内マイクロバイオームの可能性を再考する-詳しくは「腸からの健康」のページをご覧ください。

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  • Immunity

    Together, we can co-create nutritional solutions that can optimize immune health for people everywhere.

  • Empower your mind

    Solutions that help promote cognitive performance, focus, and relaxation.

  • Mobility

    Help older adults stay active and independent. Designed to address overall muscle, bone, and joint health, our solutions effectively support mobility.

  • Heart health

    Explore solutions that support heart health, along with healthy blood flow, glucose and lipid levels, vascular function, and blood pressure.



  • Infant health

    Discover our innovative nutrition solutions for infant health, powered by industry-leading ingredients and cutting-edge science.

  • Essentials for healthy aging

    Healthy aging starts with the first 1,000 days and requires a lifelong focus. Our solutions address heart health, mind health, mobility, eye health, gut health and immunity.

  • Essentials for men

    Nutritional solutions that address men’s specific health needs. Explore our offerings tailored to nutrition for men.

  • Children & young adults

    Learn how our solutions deliver the essentials to help children and young adults grow to their full potential and thrive throughout life.



  • What does the latest gut health research tell us about Humiome® B2’s potential for a healthy gut microbiome? Ask the scientist

    What does the latest gut health research tell us about Humiome® B2’s potential for a healthy gut microbiome? Ask the scientist

    Discover the latest gut health research showing how Humiome® B2 is driving Health from the Gut innovation.

  • How can prebiotic ingredients provide holistic health benefits through the gut microbiome?

    How can prebiotic ingredients provide holistic health benefits through the gut microbiome?

    Discover emerging research on the benefits of prebiotic ingredients beyond digestive health and opportunities for innovation in holistic health from the gut.

  • Healthy Aging Month: Addressing the hallmarks of aging with nutritional solutions

    Healthy Aging Month: Addressing the hallmarks of aging with nutritional solutions

    This Healthy Aging Month, we explore the hallmarks of aging and the potential for nutritional solutions to help people live longer and better

How can we help you?

  • New partnership request

    Have an idea for a new project, a groundbreaking innovation, or a need for expert services? Let’s talk.

  • Sample request

    Don’t just take our word for it. Discover how our solutions can support your product development journey. 

  • Quote request

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