
January 22, 2024

Pocket Delight: Three ambient yogurt concepts for healthier people & planet

Dairy Yogurt News


Pocket delight: ambient yogurt 

With its up to 12 months shelf life and stability at room temperature, ambient yogurt is becoming increasingly popular with consumers who want to support not only their own health, but that of the planet too.

Today, an astonishing 30% of food is wasted because the best-before-date has passed1 - and this of course, includes fermented products. With our ambient yogurt ingredients, you're able to make healthy products available in parts of the world where refrigeration is a challenge. Moreover it is also incredibly convenient for consumers as an anytime, anywhere, on-the-go snack: all of which makes it ripe for differentiation – especially for manufacturers able to deliver superior taste, texture and health benefits.

This was the rationale behind Pocket Delight: three ambient yogurt concepts to demonstrate how the dsm-firmenich portfolio of sustainable ingredients can support manufacturers in creating truly standout products in this category.

Three concepts, one goal

Each of our Pocket Delight concepts builds taste, texture, health and quality throughout its extended shelf life at ambient temperature using our yogurt cultures, nutritional solutions, hydrocolloids and natural flavors.

Pocket Delight for Kids is created as an ideal on-the-go snack during school breaks. Packed with key vitamins  to prepare kids for the day  full of energy,  it addresses the fact that 68% of parents are worried about their children’s mental performance and energy levels2. Additionally,  it contains Maxilact® lactase enabling reduced sugar yet improved sweetness.

Pocket Delight for Mums-to-be contains the daily levels of iron and folic acid recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for pregnant women. The WHO estimates that 38% of pregnant women suffer from anemia.
Pocket Delight for Mums-to-be is one differentiating way to help address this challenge.

Pocket Delight for immunity on-the-go is created to address the health concerns of busy Europeans - 50% of whom are turning to yogurt to help boost their immunity3. This versatile snacking concept meets that need through enrichment with vitamins A, D & E - via our customized nutritional immunity premix blend.

That's our concept, what about yours?

While Pocket Delight is intended as a concept, the ideas and ingredients behind it are very real. Over the years dsm-firmenich has developed thousands of delicious, nutritious and sustainable recipes with customers. So, if you would like to explore how we could use our expertise and solutions to help create your new standout ambient yogurt, please get in touch. 


2 Global Health Concerns Study- EMEA, dsm-firmenich, 2023

3 Yogurt and yoghurt drink - Europe - 2022, Mintel

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