Processing ingredients

Make more with less!

We understand that producing food ingredients efficiently and sustainably isn’t an easy job. So welcome to our family of ingredient processing solutions. Supported by some of the best experts in the industry, they enable you to optimize everything from fruit & vegetable processing, to oils & fats processing, to sugar and fermentation processing, to winemaking. 

Tackling your key challenges in processing ingredients

You need a partner that understands the challenges that food processors face in delivering high-quality products in a cost-efficient way – and can help you increase yield, reduce waste, valorize side streams, and improve product specifications.

Yearning for yield

Whether you process fruit, oils & fats or plant proteins, it’s essential to maximize your yield – with greater production efficiency and consistency.

Higher quality

High quality is essential: from creating juice with greater color and clarity; to increasing phosphorous specification of vegetable oil; to improving plant protein content.

Sustainable solutions

You need planet-friendly processing – based on fewer chemicals and a lower environmental impact.

Making haste to less waste

The ability to reduce waste; but also valorize by-products and side streams – for example, in plant protein processing.

Our portfolio for processing ingredients

Fruit & vegetable processing

Get the most from your fruit and vegetable processing with our enzyme-based solutions. They increase your yield, shorten production times and clarify juice more effectively.


Sugar processing

Unique in the industry, our enzyme-based sugar processing solutions offer a more sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional chemical-based sugar inversion.


Oil, Fats & Biofuels

Struggling with rising raw material costs and supply instability? Our proven oil processing solutions, like our Purifine® enzyme can help.

Fermentation processing

Remove phytic acid, ferment sucrose efficiently, or reduce foaming in ethanol-based fermentation with our enzyme-based processing ingredients.


Egg processing

Our solutions don’t just enable you to boost the texture of egg yolk-based products like mayonnaise. They also bring superior control, faster optimization and reduced costs to your process.

Latest news

  • Getting more, using less: how enzymes increase yield and deliver sustainability benefits in oil processing | DSM Food & Beverage

    20 January 2023

    Getting more, using less: how enzymes increase yield and deliver sustainability benefits in oil processing | DSM Food & Beverage