Brewers Clarex®

Brewing enzyme for simplifying stabilization

Brewers Clarex® is easy to use and streamlines beer stabilization

Today’s brewer is under increasing pressure to maximize brewing capacity, speed up the brewing process, reduce waste and beer losses, improve consistency and do all of this whilst delivering the same high quality, stable, clear beer. An enzyme called Brewers Clarex® is helping brew masters all over the world to meet these targets and stay true to the craft.

Brewers Clarex® is easy to use and streamlines stabilization by eliminating the deep cooling and rinsing step in the process, helping breweries save money, enhance efficiencies and remain at the forefront of innovation.

8 out of global top 10 brewers currently use Brewers Clarex® in their beer production. Brewers Clarex® is also a proven and widely used solution for gluten-free beer production.


Effective haze removal

Unique enzyme prevents colloidal haze.

Easy to apply

Liquid solution is easy to apply in the fermentation stage.

Lean stabilization

Stabilize beer without the deep cooling step.

Same taste & quality

No impact on beer taste, foam or quality.

Enables gluten-free beer

Breaks down the gluten protein that causes allergic reactions.

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