31 May 2021
March 9, 2021
The case for fortified foods has never been stronger. Consumers today are ever more mindful of ensuring their health and well-being, and they’re increasingly looking to their favorite foods for a helping hand. Whether bread, tortilla or a nutrient bar, products formulated with nutrition-boosting ingredients, such as fibers, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids, are in demand: 60% of consumers say they are now seeking these types of foods, while 68% are open to trying products that help improve their nutrient intake (dsm-firmenich Consumer Survey, 2020).
This appetite for fortified foods is also being fueled by the pandemic climate that has brought overall health, and immunity in particular, into sharp focus. A healthy immune system needs Vitamin D – a fact that two-thirds of consumers recognized in a recent study – but it is found in only a few food sources. This leaves real potential for a nutrient gap for consumers – but also creates a key opportunity for bread producers.
Fortification with superstar ingredients – such as Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 – can fill this gap by adding a powerful punch of nutrition to a range of everyday foods particularly baked goods. That’s good for consumers minding their health, and great for producers looking to differentiate their products with compelling nutritional and health claims. Many producers are already seizing this opportunity, as a stroll through any supermarket will show. Chances are high you’ll spot a variety of fortified bakery products on the shelves, from white and whole wheat breads to cookies, cakes and tortillas. And given the predicted market potential, there’s room for more:
Savvy producers ready to meet the demand for fortified foods stand to benefit from this substantial market opportunity while also standing out in consumers’ quest for nutrient-rich foods.
Small but powerful, essential micronutrients like Vitamin D and Omega-3 DHA and EPA enable producers to develop innovative new products that offer added health and immunity benefits. Vitamin D, for example, is an essential nutrient at every life stage. It contributes to the normal function of the immune system, and it also promotes calcium absorption in the gut – which is particularly beneficial in the early and later years. Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known for their role in promoting eye, brain and heart health. Enriching baked foods with these superstar ingredients can enable claims such as ‘source of vitamin D’ or ‘high in vitamin D’ (depending on dosage level) without an impact on taste or texture, offering a key differentiator for producers.
dsm-firmenich’s extensive baking portfolio includes versatile fortification solutions that deliver on these sought-after health benefits. Our dry Vitamin D3 powder is efficient (potent in small quantities), easy to use and can be leveraged in a broad range of bakery applications: flour premixes, white and whole wheat bread and rolls, rye bread, bagels and tortillas as well as cakes, muffins, cookies biscuits and nutrient bars. Depending on the dosage level, bakers can make a nutritional claim in combination with a health claim. For Omega-3 fortification, we offer MEG-3® powder and life’s™ OMEGA oil for use in foods such as bagels, bread, cakes, cookies, nutrient bars and tortillas. Both contain DHA and EPA and are ideal for products with a short shelf life to ensure optimal sensory properties.
Even with ready-to-use solutions such as these, fortification can present some technical challenges; Vitamin D, for example, can lose potency when exposed to oxidation and heat. This is where dsm-firmenich’s experienced technical experts excel, helping bread producers overcome these challenges. Similarly, our team’s application know-how guides customers toward the ideal mix of ingredients and solutions to create successful products that deliver on taste, texture, freshness and added health benefits.
dsm-firmenich’s breadth of offerings addresses both the challenges and opportunities in baking today – from clean label, gluten-free and freshness solutions to acrylamide reduction and emulsifier replacement to our portfolio of vitamins and minerals to boost nutrition. Drawing on our extensive portfolio and proven expertise, we partner with bakery customers to help them be successful in the market.
Let’s connect! Learn more about how our fortification solutions can boost the nutritional value of your bakery products.
1Vitamin D Market - Global Outlook and Forecast 2021-2026, Research and Markets
2Omega-3 Market Global Sales Are Expected To Reach US$ 4.7 Billion by 2030, GlobeNewswire