
Starter cultures for cheese

Delvo®Cheese starter cultures improve flavor and quality for game-changing cheese

Do you want to optimize cheese production while improving cheese flavor and quality? Our reliable Delvo®Cheese family of starter cultures makes it happen.

Whatever cheese type is produced, dsm-firmenich has developed a specific range of starter cultures. dsm-firmenich cheese cultures have always been the starting point for great cheese and with dsm-firmenich enzymes, they provide an ideal solution for all kinds of cheeses, depending on market and consumer needs. An extended shelf life in mozzarella for long-lasting cheese texture? Faster ripening times and unique flavors in continental cheese? Optimizing production? Whatever the need, our products will meet it. 

Our complete solution for cheeses improves almost every aspect of your product – from taste and texture, to increased health benefits, to extended shelf life and greater efficiency in production. In fact, with our cheese expertise based on almost 150 years of science and experience, our combination of products and expert people we can help you build a winner. 

Improve flavor and quality for game-changing cheese!

Taste that taps info local preferences

A solution for every desired texture

Production efficiency

Solutions for less salt or fat

Excellent phage resistance

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