10 June 2022
Consistent acidification for a variety of applications
You can trust our Ceska®Media cheese media to deliver consistent acidification performance, predictable activity and robust protection against bacteriophage infection.
Drawing on our long heritage in bulk starter production, we offer you a cost-effective range of different media to match your specific application (all perfectly attuned with our Ceska®-Star cultures).
The result is a media portfolio with optimized nutritional consistency across a variety of different compositions, buffering capacities and solubility levels.
As ever, it’s all supported by our global team of dairy experts – here to help you no matter what your challenges or where you may be. So, why not give Ceska®Media a try?
Fermented from natural ingredients (milk).
Compliant with all European regulations.
Helps you immediately achieve the right diacetyl ratio.
Directs and builds flavor throughout the butter.
Excellent stability and process security.
Our medium for fermenting heterofermentative mesophilic starters: ideal for butter production.
Our medium for fermenting all mesophilic starters: ideal for semi-hard cheese like Gouda, Edam & Tilsit.
Our medium for fermenting all mesophilic starters: ideal for semi-hard cheese like Gouda, Edam & Tilsit.
Our medium for producing bulk starters with very limited or no gas formation: ideal for cheese with fast acidification, like Chester, Feta & cottage cheese.