
The natural way to make flavorful lactic butter

Ceska®Lact are our label-friendly butter ingredients for creating pH-targeted lactic butter with a great taste

We offer all the ingredients you need to produce lactic butter – no matter how you produce it. 

For example, if you’re using the NIZO method for lactic butter production, our Ceska®Lact LA produces pH stable and aromatic lactic butter - converting acetolactic acid into the typical butter aroma, diacetyl. 

Simply add this natural lactic acid concentrate (together with a food culture or distillate) to the butter process after churning the cream to achieve the pH level you need. 

Perhaps you’re looking for an alternative to using cultures in your continuous butter production. If so, our Ceska®Lact Distillate is ideal. It improves process security, with a more controlled flavor level – and delivers versatile butter flavor by achieving the diacetyl level you need.

In both cases, you can be assured of a natural, clean-label solution that complies with all European regulations. 

And it doesn’t end there. You can also use our range of Ceska®-Star butter cultures to produce diacetyl; while our Ceska®Media provides the ideal environment to grow the Ceska®-Star butter cultures. So, ready to get started?


Fermented from natural ingredients (milk).

No label required

Compliant with all European regulations.


Helps you immediately achieve the right diacetyl ratio.

Enhanced flavor

Directs and builds flavor throughout the butter.

PH stable

Excellent stability and process security.

The Ceska® product range

Ceska®Lact LA

Add Ceska®Lact LA to your butter culture to reach a high level of diacetyl; and achieve the targeted acidity (pH).

Ceska®Lact Distillate

Simply add Ceska®Lact Distillate to your butter to reach your desired diacetyl butter flavor.

Ceska®Star butter cultures

Add these starter cultures to boost the butter flavor and TNSF (total solids non-fat) of your product – as well as for the acidification of cream in the batch process.


Ceska®Media delivers a higher yield of butter culture; greater efficiency; and reduced risk of bacteriophage contamination.

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