Juices & Nectars

Enzymes for fruit and vegetable processing

Fruit processing with enzymes: Unbeatable experience

Enzymes have always been an essential part of fruit and vegetable processing: Our range of fruit processing enzymes helps you increase yield, shorten production times, clarify fruit juice more effectively, firming up fruit and intensifying juice color – naturally and sustainably. 

Our bright fruit enzyme science draws on some 30 years’ experience of working with leading manufacturers worldwide. In fact, our Rapidase® brand is the most established in the industry, part of a portfolio of 50 different enzymes – blended by our expert team to meet your unique needs.

Enzymes for more juice that looks and tastes better

Our enzymes help you retain the good – flavor and nutritional value – while boosting the color and consistency of fruit applications. They also achieve quicker and more efficient fruit processing, with less oxidation and shorter holding times, thus reducing the risk of microbial spoilage and extending shelf life.

This isn’t the only sustainability benefit: Our enzymes work at lower temperatures, which means you use less energy in production, lowering not only costs but also your carbon footprint.

Product range


A proven and highly effective range of fruit processing enzymes help with maceration, filtration, clarification, and yield improvement.

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