Redivio® Lycopene

Nature-identical lycopene

A coloration solution tailor-made for you

Are you looking for a nature-identical lycopene with the highest purity level? Our Redivio® Lycopene is available in various forms and offers superior stability, greater nutrient absorption and very low extrusion losses. It’s ideal for food and beverage applications like confectionery.

As the company responsible for the world’s first commercial synthesis of β-Carotene (and the global leader in carotenoid production), we have the experience and capabilities to help make your products healthier, more attractive and more profitable.

Our coloration solutions are tailor-made to meet your needs and uniquely positioned to address common challenges of supply, cost, quality, application and regulatory requirements – as well as meeting consumer needs. In fact, in a Global Health and Ingredient Sentiment Survey, 61% of consumers said that they try to avoid artificial colors in their food and beverages choices. Our team will help you achieve it.

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