Press Release

February 25, 2015

DSM Personal Care builds scale in synthetic peptides with production shift to Village-Neuf site

DSM Personal Care announced the transfer of the manufacturing process of its synthetic bioactive peptides from DSM’s plant in Switzerland to its larger manufacturing facility in France.

2015 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 25 Feb 2015 12:00 CET

DSM Personal Care, one of the leading global producers of synthetic bioactive peptides, today announced the transfer of the manufacturing process of its SYN®-Peptides portfolio from DSM’s multi-purpose plant in Aesch, Switzerland to its larger manufacturing facility at Village-Neuf (France). The move will enable the producer to answer increasing demand for this key technology in both new and existing markets.

Last year SYN®-AKE and SYN®-HYCAN peptides were listed in the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC), alongside the SYN®-COLL peptide indexed earlier. This decision makes the portfolio even more attractive for personal care players focusing on a fast-growing Chinese market. New scientific data and applications tailored to specific customer needs have significantly expanded the demand for these actives.

DSM Personal Care is confident that it will further unlock the business potential of the SYN®-Peptides portfolio. The transition is expected to be completed in the course of 2015. The larger capacities of the Village-Neuf site make it possible to scale up production of new and existing peptides while maintaining high quality and service to customers around the globe.

Wilfrid Gambade, President DSM Personal Care, comments: “This is a significant step towards achieving our growth ambitions. Peptide competence for Personal Care is instrumental in developing breakthrough innovation for customized and also global solutions. Our R&D investments into this key technology along with our activities on the supply chain will help fuel the growth of our skin care business.”

DSM’s multi-purpose manufacturing facility Village-Neuf is located in Haut-Rhin, France. Employing more than five hundred workers, it currently manufactures high quality products in the field of vitamins, carotenoids and their derivatives intended for the human and animal nutrition, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals markets. The plant, which is ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and FSSC 22000 certified, has been operating to the highest quality and safety standards since 1972.