Quali®-B (비타민 B1)

비타민 B1은 다양한 건강상의 이점이 있으며 음식에서 에너지를 생성하는 데 필수적인 역할을 합니다.

비타민 B1 개요

티아민(e)이라고도 불리는 비타민 B1은 수용성 비타민 B 8종 중 하나입니다. 비타민 B1은 음식물에서 에너지를 생산하고, 핵산(예: DNA)을 합성하며, 신경 자극을 전달하는 데 필수적인 역할을 합니다. 비타민 B1(티아민)은 주로 흰 밀가루, 시리얼, 파스타, 쌀, 음료 및 건강 보조 식품에 사용하기 위해 다른 비타민 B군(비타민 B 복합체)과 함께 제조됩니다.

왜 Quali®-B를 구매해야 하나요?

dsm-firmenich는 다양한 용도에 적합한 신뢰할 수 있고 입증된 고품질의 비타민 B1을 제공합니다. 70년 이상의 경험과 Quality for Life™ 약속을 바탕으로 다음 제품을 위한 이상적인 파트너가 되어 드립니다.
Yellow pills forming shape to B1 alphabet on wood background
비타민 B1 건강 혜택 솔루션

비타민 B1은 수많은 신체 시스템의 건강과 정상적인 기능을 지원하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.

Where others see products, we see purpose

We offer a unique product portfolio and patent-protected vitamin manufacturing expertise.​ ​ Fulfilling customer product parameters with a high level of regulatory support and impurities management, both globally and market-specific.

Only Western supplier of vitamin B1

dsm-firmenich is a European producer of Vitamin B1. dsm-firmenich’s Vitamin B1 is produced in Grenzach, Germany.

Innovative vitamin B1 forms

we offer effective taste masking technology - ROCOAT® forms effectively masks the bitter notes of Vitamin B1. Thiamine mononitrate is a white or almost white powder. Suitable for consumers seeking whiteness​

Protected uniqueness

we have protected uniqueness of our B vitamins with: >125 patents currently granted and in force worldwide

Comprehensive documentation

our vitamin B1 is supported by a full documentation package for all industries available with a high focus on pharma registration (CEP, USDMF and other DMFs).

Versatile pack sizes

various pack sizes serve different customer needs from 0.02kg to 400kg

High stability

long-term stability: 36 months

Explore our vitamin B1 brochure

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is one of the eight known water-soluble B vitamins. It helps to break down and release energy from food, maintain a healthy nervous system and also synthesize DNA.
Group of senior friends playing chess game at the park. Lifestyle concepts about seniority and third age

Learn more about vitamin B1

dsm-firmenich offers reliable, proven and high-quality forms of vitamin B1 that are suitable for a variety of applications. Our over 70 years of experience and Quality for Life™ promise make us an ideal partner for your next product.
EU에서 승인된 클레임

  • 티아민은 정상적인 에너지 생산 대사에 기여합니다. 
  • 티아민은 신경계의 정상적인 기능에 기여합니다. 
  • 티아민은 정상적인 심리 기능에 기여합니다. 
  • 티아민은 심장의 정상적인 기능에 기여합니다.

이 4가지 건강 주장은 특정 사용 조건에 따라 EU에서 승인되었습니다.

관련 기사
  • Making hidden hunger SEEN

    Making hidden hunger SEEN

    Discover how dsm-firmenich is revealing the hidden truth of malnutrition. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it – but you can do something about it.

  • Enhanced stability and clean label: 6 reasons why our new dry vitamin A is a game-changer for early life nutrition

    Enhanced stability and clean label: 6 reasons why our new dry vitamin A is a game-changer for early life nutrition

    dsm-firmenich introduces a groundbreaking clean-label form of vitamin A that enhances stability in infant nutrition formulations.

  • The meaning of longevity: What global consumers really think about health expectancy

    The meaning of longevity: What global consumers really think about health expectancy

    What does longevity really mean to people? Discover our top insights into the latest global consumer priorities and concerns around longevity and health expectancy.

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    Don’t just take our word for it. Discover how our solutions can support your product development journey. 

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