Press Release

August 4, 2015

New research on REGU®-SCENCE from DSM Personal Care confirms additional efficacy in even skin tone application

DSM shares new research findings confirming extra efficacy on skin by REGU®-SCENCE, a pure white asparagus extract, proved to be highly effective in anti-ageing application.

2015 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 04 Aug 2015 09:00 CEST

DSM is delighted to share new research findings confirming extra efficacy on skin by REGU®-SCENCE, a pure white asparagus extract from the Navarra region. The molecule, launched by DSM in 2014, proved to be highly effective in anti-ageing application. Thanks to its unique mechanism of action it delays the cellular aging process by stimulating the skin’s own autophagy capabilities.

The findings, in a pair of published studies by Murase et al.1 and De Mazière et al.2, as well as new DSM in vitro data, suggests that the autophagy process plays a key role in melanogenesis. Several proteins, such as Melan-A and Pmel-17, are involved in early melanosome formation. Stimulation of the autophagy pathway leads to increased synthesis of lysosomes, which are capable of degrading these proteins, leading to a reduction of melanosomes, and ultimately, a more even skin tone.

Recent scientific tests on pigmented epidermis equivalents conducted by DSM indicates the efficacy of REGU-SCENCE at 3% to enhance the appearance of a more even skin tone. In vitro, this ingredient has shown a significant down-regulation of tyrosinase marker by up to 65% and of the recently discovered Melan-A marker by up to 30% in a 9-day test.

REGU-SCENCE is a China-listed (Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients) and ECOCERT-approved, naturally-sourced, standardized ingredient, derived from a fragile white asparagus extract of the Spanish Navarra region. It is grown in the dark and harvested before sunrise to preserve high levels of active compounds, which help the skin to appear more vibrant and youthful.

1 Murase D. et al.; Journal of Investigative Dermatology (2013) 133, 2416-2424
2 De Mazière A. et al.; Traffic (2002) 3, 678-693