Press Release

October 28, 2013

DSM continues to shape a beautiful future for skin with breakthrough developments in CORNEOCARE™

Building on market and consumer insights, DSM announces new developments relating to CORNEOCARE™ skin care ingredients, which promote a holistic view to epidermal skin care.



Kaiseraugst, CH, 28 Oct 2013 10:15 CET

At In-Cosmetics 2013 in Paris, DSM Personal Care launched its innovative CORNEOCARE™ approach. CORNEOCARE™ promotes a holistic view to epidermal skin care and reveals the importance of a healthy, functioning epidermis in preparing the skin for a beautiful future. Building on recent insights into market trends and unmet consumer needs, DSM announces new developments relating to CORNEOCARE™ ingredients. The highly potent skin energizer REVITALIN® PF has extended the CORNEOCARE™ portfolio; and breakthrough findings are reported for the all-natural ALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS.

Ultimate skin sensation and youthful skin appearance start with a healthy, perfectly functioning epidermis. DSM’s unique ALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS extract succeeded in showing the importance of a strong barrier function for skin comfort and skin aging prevention. Recent in vitro data have already demonstrated how ALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS stimulates key proteins in the epidermis responsible for the barrier structure, leading to a new level of skin protection and regeneration. DSM can now share exciting new in vivo results confirming how ALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS strengthens the skin’s natural protection barrier, making it more resistant to external stress factors.

These findings are complemented by a four-week consumer study which shows thatALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS provides a pleasant and youthful skin sensation. These combined results reflect DSM’s ongoing commitment to translate scientific findings at the genetic and molecular levels into tangible consumer benefits. 

In response to people’s aspirations to truly fulfill their beauty potential, DSM’s next challenge was to understand in greater depth the mechanisms that underlie a glowing complexion. Maintaining a youthful, vibrant glow requires high levels of skin cell energy, and CORNEOCARE™ contributes to a fresh, vibrant skin complexion by working on the most important skin energy mechanisms in the epidermis. Like many other biological processes, the skin’s energy levels follow an internal clock, known as the 24-hour circadian rhythm. During daytime hours in particular, levels of energy in the cells drop. This results in a loss of glow in the afternoon which skin can only recover during the night.

For the first time in the cosmetic industry, DSM researchers have used innovative Extracellular Flux Analysis technology to measure energy levels in mitochondria – the powerhouses of the cells. These tests confirmed that REVITALIN® PF, with its energizing actives produced by fermentation baker’s yeast, boosts the two fundamental bioenergetic processes: glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration. REVITALIN® PF therefore ensures the highest possible energy levels and a youthful, glowing complexion – all day long.

Dr. Mathias Gempeler, Senior Global Marketing Manager Skin Care at DSM, comments: "Efficient and consistent epidermal care underpins the whole skin care experience and is vital if skin is to look beautiful for longer. DSM is therefore fully committed to the CORNEOCARE™ approach. We will continue to dedicate our research to bringing exciting new insights and products to our customers and consumers.”