Enzyme publications

Driving new research

Scientific research is key to our product offerings. We have over 20 years of experience in performing clinical trials and post-marketing studies, engaging in international, multidisciplinary collaborations across the globe to help build knowledge around our product concepts. Explore publications that support enzymes below.

Highly efficient gluten degradation with a newly identified prolyl endoprotease: implications for celiac disease
Dariusz Stepniak, Liesbeth Spaenij-Dekking, Cristina Mitea, Martine Moester, Arnoud de Ru, Renee Baak-Pablo, Peter van Veelen, Luppo Edens, Frits Koning
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2006 Oct;291(4): G621-9

Efficient degradation of gluten by a prolyl endoprotease in a gastrointestinal model: implications for coeliac disease
C Mitea, R Havenaar, J Wouter Drijfhout, L Edens, L Dekking, F Koning
Gut, 2008 Jan;57(1): 25-32

Randomised clinical study: Aspergillus niger-derived enzyme digests gluten in the stomach of healthy volunteers
B N Salden, V Monserrat, F J Troost, M J Bruins, L Edens, R Bartholomé, G R Haenen, B Winkens, F Koning, A A Masclee
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Aug;42(3): 273-85

Influence of dietary components on Aspergillus niger prolyl endoprotease mediated gluten degradation
Veronica Montserrat, Maaike J Bruins, Luppo Edens, Frits Koning
Food Chem, 2015 May 1: 174:440-5

Ineffective degradation of immunogenic gluten epitopes by currently available digestive enzyme supplements
George Janssen, Chantal Christis, Yvonne Kooy-Winkelaar, Luppo Edens, Drew Smith, Peter van Veelen, Frits Koning
PLoS One, 2015 Jun 1;10(6): e0128065

Randomized clinical trial: Effective gluten degradation by Aspergillus niger-derived enzyme in a complex meal setting
Julia König, Savanne Holster, Maaike J Bruins, Robert J Brummer
Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 12;7(1): 13100

Beneficial effects of oral tilactase on patients with hypolactasia
P Portincasa, A Di Ciaula, M Vacca, R Montelli, D Q-H Wang, G Palasciano
Eur J Clin Invest. 2008 Nov;38(11): 835-44

The effect of oral supplementation with Lactobacillus reuteri or tilactase in lactose intolerant patients: randomized trial
V Ojetti, G Gigante, M Gabrielli, M E Ainora, A Mannocci, E C Lauritano, G Gasbarrini, A Gasbarrini
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2010 Mar;14(3): 163-70

Enzyme replacement for lactose malabsorption using a beta-D-galactosidase
J A DiPalma, M S Collins
J Clin Gastroenterol, 1989 Jun;11(3): 290-3

Effective reduction of lactose maldigestion in preschool children by direct addition of beta-galactosidases to milk at mealtime
C Barillas, N W Solomons
Pediatrics, 1987 May;79(5): 766-72

Efficacy of lactase-treated milk for lactose-intolerant pediatric patients
J A Biller, S King, A Rosenthal, R J Grand
J Pediatr. 1987 Jul;111(1): 91-4

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