Press Release
10月 18, 2021
dsm-firmenich, has announced a new strategic collaboration with Oz Medicann Group (OMG) Pharma – an Australian-based biotech innovator in the cannabinoid medicines domain – to explore the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol (CBD)-based orally dispersible tablets addressing insomnia. Leveraging dsm-firmenich’s high quality GMP CBD active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and leading-edge formulation capabilities, chiefly its bioavailability expertise, the wide-ranging collaboration will help to advance the next phase of OMG Pharma’s clinical trials. The collaboration not only strengthens dsm-firmenich’s status as an end-to-end partner in the cannabinoid research and development space and showcases its commitment to patient-focused innovation, but could also lead to the launch of the world’s first regulatory-approved over-the-counter CBD sleep medication, spearheaded by OMG Pharma.
口腔内分散型錠剤は、CBDを経口投与するための革新的な固形製剤です。 舌下で投与することにより、初回通過代謝をバイパスし、患者にとって迅速な吸収と使いやすさを促進します。 そのため、口腔内分散型錠剤は、嚥下困難な患者や、不眠症やその他の睡眠障害のような即効性が必要とされる健康状態の治療にとって魅力的なソリューションとなります。
Athanasia Kanli, Global Market Development Manager Pharma at dsm-firmenich, explains the significance of dsm-firmenich’s new strategic collaboration with OMG Pharma to advance drug delivery in the expanding CBD landscape: "We see orally dispersible tablets revolutionizing CBD-based therapies for patients, considering the predominance of (usually unpleasant) liquid formats. dsm-firmenich is uniquely positioned to drive innovation in CBD-based drug formulation intentionally developed to meet more patient-friendly drug formats. Our reason for partnering with OMG Pharma is their fervent dedication to groundbreaking research in novel cannabinoid medicine, which perfectly complements our commitment to delivering science-driven solutions that address unmet patient needs. We were impressed by the strides OMG Pharma has already taken in the fields of sleep and anxiety and their rich pharmaceutical pipeline for cannabinoids. OMG Pharma’s unwavering commitment to
John Leith, Founder of OMG, emphasizes the importance of partnering with dsm-firmenich, highlighting a shared vision to drive patient-centered healthcare in a science-led way. “It’s an exciting time for CBD research, and while we’ve made remarkable progress alone, we recognized that we needed a strategic partner to refine our drug formulation for orally dispersible tablets in order to elevate patient convenience. Beyond dsm-firmenich’s trusted CBD API portfolio, it was its comprehensive formulation support, global regulatory expertise and clinical proficiency that truly set them apart. We are excited to be one of the first in the world to have the novel formulated CBD that dsm-firmenich has developed with a view to enhancing CBD absorption in the body. With this innovation, and their team’s help, we’re aiming to optimize CBD absorption in our tablets, addressing one of the most critical challenges in cannabinoid medicines – bioavailability.”
このコラボレーションは、dsm-firmenichと、高品質な医薬品グレードのカンナビノイドを製造するBrains Bioceutical社、早期段階のカンナビノイド医薬品開発のために設計された独自のエンドツーエンド・イノベーション・プラットフォームによって推進されます。 詳細については、またはdsm-firmenichが患者の生活を豊かにする目的主導型のカンナビノイド医薬品の開発をどのように支援しているかについては、カンナビノイド活性剤のページ をご覧ください。
OMGファーマはオーストラリアの医療用大麻、ヘンプ、CBD治療薬の会社で、世界中の消費者と患者のために革新と製品開発を推進している。 OMGファーマの使命の中心は、科学とエビデンスに基づく医療ソリューションへの献身である。 詳細については、 をご覧ください。
dsm-firmenich ファーマ・ソリューションズ
dsm-firmenich ファーマ・ソリューションズ
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