
Sea the difference!

Natural, fresh, and authentic, our seafood flavors are an excellent source of essential amino acids and fatty acids.

But they aren’t just healthy for people; they also benefit the planet. In fact, of the 10,000 tons of raw seafood we process each year, the majority is actually a by-product of the fishing industry.

Through sophisticated biotechnological processes, we’re able to convert a waste stream that was previously thrown back into the sea into high-quality seafood extracts and flavors - including codfish, shrimp, lobster, crab, squid, and other popular seafood tonalities.

You can then use this intense seafood flavor in a wide range of applications, from soup, stocks and sauces to ready-to-eat meals.

Plenty more fish in the sea

How can we continue to feed a growing population with healthy protein – in a more sustainable way? Located on the west coast of Norway, our Seafood Expertise Center in Ålesund is dedicated to tackling this challenge.

With direct access to fish from the North Atlantic and the Barents Sea, our center produces natural seafood extracts, hydrolysate and concentrated oils, liquids, pastes and powder flavors. We offer flavors that have received certification by the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Chain of Custody standard – which guarantees that the fishery of origin maintains fish stocks, as well as other marine life and ecosystems.

How can we help you?

Interested in one of our products or solutions? Connect with our experts learn more, request a sample, or start a new project.