8 November 2022
Health conscious consumers expect more from their beverages – not least through our ability to add new sensory and functional benefits to products like energy and sports drinks as consumers continue to prioritize health and wellness.
With our broad family of high-performing flavors, vitamins, minerals, nutraceuticals probiotics, fibers, amino acids, adaptogens, and botanical extracts we can help you address consumer preferences by creating functional beverages that do more. Just one example is our customized nutritional premixes which blend your chosen functional ingredients into one single, efficient and homogenous premix. We can also help you achieve all this with less sugar - for example, with our natural sweeteners that contain no sugars or artificial ingredients.
If you’re striving to create functional beverages that can support immunity, energy, stress reduction, hydration and other on-trend claims, look no further than our experts and solutions.
To create great-tasting nutritional drinks you need a partner that understands the trends driving consumer preference; and knows how to deliver the qualities needed to help you create differentiated products.
This is a fast-moving category with blurring lines that requires equally agile consumer insight and market intelligence in order to stay ahead of the pack.
The need for high-quality, science-backed ingredients that remain nutrient-stable and bioavailable throughout their shelf life.
Great taste through innovative flavors, maskers, and no-sugar added sweeteners in functional beverages are essential to keep consumers coming back for more.
You need to navigate increasingly complex regulatory landscapes – which can impact your health claims and labeling regulations.
As health-conscious consumers look beyond traditional caffeine-based energy drinks there lies a huge opportunity for manufacturers that can deliver on-trend sensory and functional benefits. So how can you deliver this while navigating the complex formulation process as quickly and efficiently as possible?
The simple answer is to use our unrivalled family of integrated solutions that bring a delightful and differentiated dimension to your energy drinks - from flavor, sweetness and nutrition to coloration. All supported by a global team of energetic experts, including flavorists and nutritional scientists.
Great taste, hydration and optimal nutrition delivery are all critical for sports drinks – whether they’re enjoyed before, during or after exercise.
So why not take advantage of our extensive flavor solutions and expertise? We’ll help you find the right flavor combinations and create a full flavor profile that fits your brand positioning – all while minimizing and masking negative aftertastes. We can even reduce sugar in your formulation while rebuilding mouthfeel. What’s more we can ensure that you deliver these great sensory qualities over the full product shelf life.
For enhanced and nutritional drinks, it’s all about versatility – and ensuring that whatever the drinking occasion, you’re able to deliver the flavor and wellness benefits, such as that consumers want.
Our team of experts is here to help you, aided by our comprehensive family of long lasting flavor and nutritional solutions.
Explore our Color ingredients below.
Explore our Premix Blends below.
Explore our Technical Anitoxidants below.