Press Release

February 16, 2015

DSM announces management appointments in Personal Care

DSM’s Personal Care Business Unit, one of the industry’s leading suppliers of ingredients for beauty care products is pleased to announce following appointments.

News News & Events



Kaiseraugst, CH, 16 Feb 2015 12:00 CET

DSM Personal Care, a global provider of ingredients and innovative solutions for some of the world’s best-selling beauty products, has appointed Mélanie Waeckel to lead its global hair care marketing.

This new appointment reinforces the company’s aspiration to further grow its hair care business after introducing its first hair care range TILAMAR® in 2010.

“I’m delighted to join the global hair care marketing team. In the last five years the company has brought to the market an exciting new range of hair polymers, and its customer base is expanding globally. It is part of my new role to build on this success and bring even more customers on board by promoting the TILAMAR® range. Concurrently, through partnerships and joint developments, we will continue to innovate for – and together with – our customers,”- comments Mélanie Waeckel.

Mélanie, a French national, holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from ENSIACET in Toulouse. With more than 15 years in the Personal Care industry, Mélanie has gained a strong experience in marketing, research and product development. She started her career as formulation engineer at BOOTS by developing skin care products. Later, she joined EUGENE PERMA to lead research and development projects in hair care. Before joining DSM, Mélanie developed and launched a range of marketing concepts as well as setting up and managing the formulation laboratory at UNIPEX.