15 May 2024
In dairy alternatives we can help you recreate the delicious flavor and creamy mouthfeel of traditional dairy – all while bridging the nutrition gap in a more efficient and sustainable way.
It starts with our portfolio of integrated SmartProteins® solutions - ideal for a range of plant-based protein bases while supporting cleaner and more transparent labeling. It then extends further to fine-tuning the taste, texture and masking off notes of plant-based dairy using our broad portfolio of enzymes, cultures and dairy-like flavors: ideal for both oat-based drinks and almond-and-soy based drinks.
For healthier dairy alternatives, use our sugar reduction solutions; plus our high-quality vitamins and nutrients, sustainable Omega-3, and plant-based proteins and probiotics. And for a healthier planet, our solutions enable production savings in time, energy and water without compromising your final product - for example, in oat-based drinks.
To succeed in plant-based dairy you need a partner that understands the trends driving consumer preference; and knows how to deliver the qualities needed to help you create differentiated dairy alternatives.
To keep consumers coming back for more it’s essential to mask off-notes, and we can help you from beany to bitterness in your plant-based dairy.
How can you bring the creamy, fatty taste and aroma of traditional dairy to dairy analogs that are low in fat content and have different oil composition?
Getting the balance right between taste, texture, mouthfeel and sweetness is a complex challenge in product development of dairy alternatives.
How can you meet specific consumer needs in different regions? For example, southern Europeans may prefer more sweetness than northern Europeans.
Bridging the nutritional gap between animal-and-plant based protein is essential for meeting the needs of health-conscious consumers.
Appealing to consumers by replacing non-natural ingredients in plant-based dairy with healthier, high-performing alternatives.
If you want to boost the yield of your soy-based products while maintaining high consistency and quality in dairy alternatives – look no further than our sustainable Delvo®Plant Boost enzymatic solution.
Delvo®Plant Boost enables you to increase sensory properties by reducing sandiness in soy-based drinks for a better mouthfeel. But it can boost your yield using the same raw materials - and it’s more sustainable. Not only does Delvo®Plant Boost support residual mass reduction which utilizes a side stream of production; it’s also classed as a processing aid and is organic compliant.
Want to boost the mouthfeel, bite and chew of your products in a label-friendly and sustainable way? Our solutions and expertise will help you achieve it.
If you’re a manufacturer striving to produce food and beverages that taste and smell deliciously appetizing and authentic…you’re in the right place.
Want to increase the speed and success of your food and beverage product development? Our consumer, market and trend insights can make it a reality.
Explore our Vertis™ Plant Proteins below.
Explore our Vitamins, Carotenoids & Micronutrients below.