Press Release

September 21, 2015

DSM Personal Care to reveal new skin biology research results at IFSCC Conference

Results from research being undertaken as part of a cooperation between DSM’s Personal Care and two UK universities will be presented at the 23rd IFSCC Conference in Zurich.

2015 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 21 Sep 2015 09:00 CEST

Results from research being undertaken as part of a cooperation between DSM’s Personal Care and two UK universities will be presented at the 23rd International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) Conference in Zurich on 22-23 September.

The IFSCC is a worldwide federation for international cooperation in cosmetic science and technology. DSM is honored to be sponsoring the keynote speeches at this year’s conference – the first to be held in Switzerland for 20 years.

The first of the two presentations, to be given by Raj Nidhin from the University College London, is titled ‘Ethnic differences in facial stratum corneum metrology for natural moisturising factor and proteases’. It charts the progress of ongoing research conducted in cooperation with DSM, which is already delivering exciting new insights into differences in skin of various ethnicities relating to ageing and hydration.

On the second day of the conference, Victoria Newton of Manchester University, UK, will talk about the ‘Use of in vivo techniques for investigating intrinsic and extrinsic ageing in skin of phototype I-III’. This research, which is also being undertaken in collaboration with DSM’s Personal Care, will enable cosmetic scientists to study in-depth the process of ageing in different skin types using new non-invasive imaging techniques.

DSM will also be highlighting a number of other relevant scientific findings during the conference’s poster sessions. During breaks in the plenary sessions, research authors will be presenting their findings on a range of topics, with experts from DSM also on hand to elucidate further on the research and its applications.

The topics covered will be:

22 September, 12:20 – 14:30In vivo and ex vivo analysis of skin: a comparative study (P-004)
22 September, 12:20 – 14:30Examination of a moisturizer on facial barrier and hydration of three skin ethnicities using a novel mapping approach (P-036)
23 September, 13:10 – 15:20Claim substantiation for improved skin luminosity using modulators of cutaneous pigmentation (P-103)