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The following is a questionnaire that will estimate your daily omega-3 DHA intake. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid mainly found in seafood, eggs and dietary supplements. Please answer the questions based upon your consumption of the following foods over the past 2 months. You will be shown a sliding scale bar to provide amounts. Answer each question as best you can and feel free to estimate if you are not sure, as a guess is better than leaving the answer blank. Please note that this questionnaire is for informational and educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals. The data will not be shared with others.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of liver did you eat in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many egg yolks did you eat EACH WEEK (including egg yolks used in cooking) in the past 2 months?
How many 3 oz. (~85g) servings of chicken, turkey, or other poultry (not including livers) did you eat EACH WEEK in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
Prenez-vous un complément alimentaire contenant du DHA (huile d'algue ou de poisson) ?
Quantité de DHA dans chaque gélule/portion (en mg) ?
Combien de jours par semaine pensez-vous à prendre votre supplément ?
Thank you for taking the survey. Your daily DHA intake is less than 200mg, which is below expert recommendations for the general population1. DHA is found in seafood, eggs, and dietary supplements (algal or fish oil).
Thank you for taking the survey. Your estimated daily DHA intake is above 200mg, which appears to be adequate, as most experts recommend a minimum of 200mg DHA per day.1
Ce questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire en 7 questions a été développé par DSM Nutritional Products et adapté par le Dr Susan Carlson et son équipe de scientifiques en nutrition de l'Université du Kansas. Le questionnaire a été validé chez des femmes enceintes résidant dans le Midwest des États-Unis et est actuellement utilisé comme outil de dépistage en début de grossesse au Centre médical de l'Université du Kansas pour identifier les femmes enceintes présentant un risque élevé d'accouchement prématuré en raison d'un faible apport en DHA.1,2
1. Crawford SA, et al. Validation of an abbreviated food frequency questionnaire for estimating DHA intake of pregnant women in the United States, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Fatty Acids, 2022 ; 177:102398
2. Christifano DN, et al. (2023, Feb), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intake estimated from a 7-question survey identifies pregnancies most likely to benefit from high-dose DHA supplementation, Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 2023 ; 53:93-99
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