The following is a questionnaire that will estimate your daily omega-3 DHA intake. DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid mainly found in seafood, eggs and dietary supplements. Please answer the questions based upon your consumption of the following foods over the past 2 months. You will be shown a sliding scale bar to provide amounts. Answer each question as best you can and feel free to estimate if you are not sure, as a guess is better than leaving the answer blank. Please note that this questionnaire is for informational and educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals. The data will not be shared with others.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of the following fish have you eaten in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many 3oz. (~85g) servings of liver did you eat in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
How many egg yolks did you eat EACH WEEK (including egg yolks used in cooking) in the past 2 months?
How many 3 oz. (~85g) servings of chicken, turkey, or other poultry (not including livers) did you eat EACH WEEK in the past 2 months? A 3oz. (~85g) serving is the size of a deck of cards.
Thank you for taking the survey. Your daily DHA intake is less than 200mg, which is below expert recommendations for the general population1. DHA is found in seafood, eggs, and dietary supplements (algal or fish oil).
Thank you for taking the survey. Your estimated daily DHA intake is above 200mg, which appears to be adequate, as most experts recommend a minimum of 200mg DHA per day.1
7문항으로 구성된 이 설문지는 DSM Nutritional Products에서 개발하고 캔자스 대학의 수잔 칼슨 박사와 영양 과학자 팀이 각색한 것입니다. 이 설문지는 미국 중서부 지역에 거주하는 임산부를 대상으로 검증되었으며, 현재 캔자스 대학교 의료 센터에서 임신 초기에 DHA 섭취 부족으로 조산 위험이 높은 임산부를 식별하는 선별 도구로 사용되고 있습니다.1,2
1. 크로포드 SA, et al. 미국 임산부의 DHA 섭취량을 추정하기 위한 축약된 음식 빈도 설문지의 검증, 프로스타글란딘, 류코트리엔 및 지방산, 2022; 177:102398
2. 크리스티파노 DN, et al. (2023년 2월), 7문항 설문조사로 추정된 도코사헥사엔산(DHA) 섭취량으로 고용량 DHA 보충제의 혜택을 가장 많이 받을 수 있는 임신을 확인, 임상 영양 ESPEN, 2023; 53:93-99
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