Savory snacks

It's crunch time!

Savory snacks have always been about indulgence and convenience – but increasingly, we see health-conscious consumers looking for more from these products. 

So, if you want to create flavorful snacks that tick all these boxes, look no further than our family of seasonings and savory taste and flavor solutions – ideal for crisps, chips and savory crackers. Not only can our experts help you achieve low sodium in snacks, we can boost flavor at variable dosages.  

Tackling your key challenges in savory snacks

You need a partner that understands the trends driving consumer preference; and knows how to deliver the qualities needed to help you create differentiated and flavorful snacks.

Adventurous tastes

Consumers are increasingly open to exciting new flavors and flavor combinations in their savory snacks.

Hold the salt

Savory snacks are often associated with high sodium content – which makes low salt options a major differentiator.

Cleaner labels

To meet demand for healthier snacks you need to use fewer artificial ingredients and more label-friendly taste solutions.

Our solutions & expertise


Flavor & aroma

If you’re a manufacturer striving to produce food and beverages that taste and smell deliciously appetizing and authentic…you’re in the right place.

salt reduction

Salt reduction

We can help you create ‘better-for-you’ foods with reduced salt and MSG – and with no compromise on taste, texture and sensory appeal.

Human insights

Human Insights

Want to increase the speed and success of your food and beverage product development? Our consumer, market and trend insights can make it a reality.

Our ingredients


Explore our Hydrocolloids below.


Explore our Flavors below.

Technical antioxidants

Explore our Technical Anitoxidants below.

Yeast extracts

Explore our Yeast Extracts below.

Vertis™ plant proteins

Explore our Vertis™ plant proteins below.

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