Press Release

April 10, 2018

DSM embraces stress-free beauty at in-cosmetics Global 2018 in Amsterdam, 17–19 April

DSM Personal Care & Aroma Ingredients will be showcasing ideas for easing stress on consumers and formulators and detailing its strategy for meeting the societal challenges of skin cancer at this year’s in-cosmetics Global.

2018 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 10 Apr 2018 09:00 CEST

DSM, one of the industry’s leading suppliers of ingredients and innovative solutions to the personal care, home care and fine fragrance markets, will be showcasing ideas for easing stress on consumers and formulators and detailing its strategy for meeting the societal challenges of skin cancer at this year’s in-cosmetics Global trade show.

DSM Personal care & Aroma Ingredients embraces stress-free personal care ingredients at in-cosmetics global
Ease the stress!

In our busy, ‘hyperconnected’ world, stress has become a constant problem for most people, regardless of age, location or background. Chronic stress can lead to unhealthy behaviors, with 38% of adults saying they overeat, and 44% of the American workforce losing sleep every night because they are worrying about work. Visitors to in-cosmetics Stand C70 will discover how DSM Personal Care & Aroma Ingredients are tackling the effects of stress on appearance. This topic is of increasing concern to people around the world so DSM has developed a range of new ingredients and formulation concepts to ease stress-related cosmetic issues. For fast-living Millennials, there is a special range of novel formulations designed to fit their busy lifestyles.

BEL-EVEN® – for skin relief from day-to-day stresses

BEL-EVEN® is a patented synthetic small molecule that helps counteract the damaging effects of stress on skin. In-vitro BEL-EVEN® reversibly and selectively inhibits the key enzyme 11β-HSD1, which generates cortisol in the skin. Persistently high levels of cortisol induced by stress are strongly associated with visible signs of premature skin aging, which are a major concern for today’s consumers. A unique in-silico-generated rational design approach was developed to identify the lead compound for this novel ingredient, which visibly reduces signs of stress on the skin, and improves skin elasticity and density as well as skin hydration.

PENTAVITIN® - the true hydration artist

With the help of Chinese women living in the polluted megacity of Beijing, DSM used revolutionary visualization technology to study dry skin and hydration in urban settings. The technology allowed researchers to produce color images of the face showing that Chinese women have excessively dry skin in the problematic cheek and jaw areas. These remarkable images also revealed the true hydration power of DSM’s natural moisture-magnet PENTAVITIN®. Three hours after a single application, excessively dry skin areas are already much better hydrated. Used daily, PENTAVITIN® provides powerful hydration to all facial areas.

Formulations with Millennial appeal

These exciting products have been designed specifically to appeal to efficiency-seeking Millennials:

  • UV Flash Tone for one-step care
    This fluid provides a velvet sensation and a smooth, flawless “glass” skin. Enriched with UV filters and actives, it provides efficient protection against UV and blue light.
  • Alp’Dry Shampoo
    For stress-free hair care between washes, this dry shampoo leaves the hair and scalp feeling fresh and clean with minimum fuss.
  • Texturizing Beach Spray
    For that relaxed, just-back-from-the-beach look. This hybrid product styles, protects and cares for hair.
  • Messy Matte Gum
    Effortlessly styles, protects and cares for hair: sculpt, texturize and scrunch for high definition with a soft, matte finish.
  • No FOMO Sun Stick SPF 50
    There’s no Fear Of Missing Out key regions of the face such as the eye contour, nose and mouth area with this easy-to-use sun protection stick.
  • High Glide Moisturizing Sun Essence SPF 30
    A lightweight formulation that leaves skin feeling dry and silky. With Niacinamide PC for added protection against blue light and pollution, and Hyaluronic Acid for enhanced hydration.
  • Total Protection into the Blue and Shine Control SPF 50
    An SPF 50 formulation that takes the stress out of formulating actives at low pH and delivers protection into the blue-light spectrum. Controls shine, combats the onset of fine lines, and moisturizes skin.
Formulators: Ease the stress of sunscreen development – with DSM’s upgraded SUNSCREEN OPTIMIZER™

Launched in November 2017, this handy tool enables formulators to develop products more efficiently and to optimize existing formulations before going on to verify SPF performance in vivo. The upgraded version with lots of new features will be introduced at in-cosmetics.

The skin microbiome – leading the way with new research

What does a healthy skin ecosystem really mean for the personal care industry? DSM is creating a new narrative around this topic. Come and see us to join in the conversation and to learn about our plans to increase understanding through original scientific research and parallel market-related studies.

Don’t miss out on DSM’s other activities at in-cosmetics:
  • Take our Stress Test to find out how balanced you are!
  • Discover inspirational, on-trend formulations at the Sensory and Make-up Bars.
  • Learn about our latest product innovation in the Innovation Zone.
  • Take part in our Formulation Lab session at 14:30 on 17 April for ideas on innovative hair care.
  • And don’t forget to join us on 18 April, 13:00 - 13:00 in the Sustainability Corner to find out how we’re tackling the Societal Challenge of Skin Cancer.