Press Release

September 15, 2015

DSM Personal Care to address sunscreen formulation and stability challenges at the 2015 Sunscreen Symposium in Florida

DSM Personal Care will engage with industry experts at the 2015 Sunscreen Symposium in Orlando, USA and Scientist will present new research findings on robust emulsification.

2015 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 15 Sep 2015 12:00 CEST

DSM Personal Care, a leading sun care player, will engage with industry experts at the 2015 Sunscreen Symposium being held on 16-19 September 2015, in Orlando, Florida, USA. On 18 September Christine Mendrok-Edinger, Senior Application Scientist at DSM, is to present new research findings on robust emulsification.

The presentation will highlight DSM’s AMPHISOL® K, an oil-in-water emulsifier capable of delivering outstanding sunscreen stability combined with ease of product development. Using comparative science the presentation will show formulators how to overcome current challenges posed by high UV filter and pigment loads over a broad viscosity range. Further, it will illustrate the potential for development of a new generation of highly sophisticated sunscreens and day care products which combine a high level of protection, while delivering sensorial attributes that promote consumer compliance.

Research has shown that AMPHISOL® K provides stability through its ability to form mainly lamellar structures of very densely packed layers of water and liquid crystalline lipid phases. Hitherto the micro-domains thought to be responsible for stabilizing emulsions have rarely been seen, but freeze-fracture Scanning-Electron-Microscopy has recently enabled DSM to identify these micro-domains.

The Sunscreen Symposium is being held by the Florida Chapter of Society of Cosmetic Chemists, which was formed in 1984 with the mission of educating and distributing information to Florida's Cosmetic Scientists. It currently has approximately 150 members, 31 of whom are Emeritus Members. The Chapter hosts meetings throughout the state of Florida and is well known for its biannual Sunscreen Symposium. The symposium welcomes sun care specialists around the world to exchange about the next horizon of Sun Care innovation and global regulatory requirements.

A short abstract of DSM’s presentation can be downloaded below.