Nutrition for wound healing

Elevate wound recovery

As diabetes rates continue to rise,1 so does the prevalence of complications like diabetic foot ulcers, which affect up to 34% of people with diabetes.2 To support wound healing, we need the right nutritional intake and balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.3 

Together, we can help meet patients’ dietary requirements for optimized wound healing with effective and convenient nutritional care. Let’s support a smooth recovery process with premix-powered medical nutrition solutions designed to support wound healing.

Support wound healing in people living with diabetic foot ulcers

What are the latest science-based, nutritional recommendations for people with or at risk of diabetic foot ulcers? Get the must-know insights in this whitepaper and discover new opportunities for tailored medical nutrition innovation.

Seize new opportunities in the medical nutrition market

Find out how targeted medical nutrition solutions can help address medical complications and contribute to better immune function, recovery, and independence in those living with health conditions and older adults. Read our guide to innovation opportunities in health concern areas from sarcopenia to cognitive health.  

Take nutritional care to new heights with premix solutions

Explore customizable premix solutions inspired by condition-specific concepts that put people with medical nutrition needs and older adults first. Plus, learn how you can streamline your product development journey with our end-to-end support in this innovation guide.

Together, we can co-create effective solutions to help meet nutritional needs for optimized wound healing.

  1. International Diabetes Foundation. IDF Diabetes Atlas 2021. (Brussels, Belgium, 2021).
  2. Lavery, L. A. et al. Reevaluating the Way We Classify the Diabetic Foot: Restructuring the diabetic foot risk classification system of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot. Diabetes Care 31, 154-156 (2008).
  3. Armstrong, D. G., Boulton, A. J. M. & Bus, S. A. Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Their Recurrence. N. Engl. J. Med. 376, 2367-2375 (2017).
  4. Stechmiller, J. K. Understanding the role of nutrition and wound healing. Nutr. Clin. Pract. 25, 61-68 (2010).
  5. Arnold, M. & Barbul, A. Nutrition and wound healing. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 117, 42s-58s (2006). 
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