With over 537 million adults living with diabetes in 2021, complications such as diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a growing concern. Affecting up to 34% of diabetic patients, DFUs often lead to hospital admissions and amputations, significantly impacting healthcare costs and quality of life. This whitepaper explores the role of oral nutrition supplements (ONS) enriched with proteins, omega-3s, and essential micronutrients in promoting wound healing in DFU patients. Download to discover the latest insights and innovative opportunities in medical nutrition for diabetic wound care.
Discover insights from a Critical Care Surgeon on the benefits of omega-3 nutrition in perioperative care.
Discover advanced Premix solutions for medical nutrition innovation with the consumer in mind.
Discover key nutrition trends from Vitafoods Europe 2024 and find out what they reveal about the future of the dynamic nutraceuticals market.
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