Market intelligence

Accurate and actionable

At dsm-firmenich we’ve created world class systems for monitoring the marketplace through a variety of high-quality data sources. 

Our experts derive unique insights by connecting the dots between what’s being launching; what is selling; and what’s being communicated on social media platforms. This includes best-in-class syndicated sources of market knowledge; as well as our proprietary Flavor Knowledge Portal.

The result? Accurate and actionable proprietary market intelligence to help shape your next innovation. 

Tackling your key market intelligence challenges

You need a partner that understands the trends driving consumer preference and knows how to deliver the qualities needed to help you create differentiated products.

Hottest consumer trends

How can you stay in tune with the latest trends, claims and flavors that are driving preference amongst consumers?

Identifying opportunities

You need to stay on top of emerging markets, new category opportunities and unfulfilled gaps in the market.

Digital discourse

Beyond traditional retail store activity, it’s essential to expand your channels with social media and online shopping behavior insights.

Transforming the pulse of the market into a comprehensive snapshot.

Big Data benefits

We’ll help you accelerate new product development and optimize costs by anticipating consumer and market trends – all based on hard facts.

We achieve it with the dsm-firmenich Flavor Knowledge Portal: an interactive forum that collects, collates and combines our proprietary flavor intelligence with external information sources to deliver synthesized and strategic knowledge. 

This includes flavor opportunities for any selected category, region, target or group. In fact, our portal contains information on more than two million market products across 80 countries.

Listen up!

What are consumers saying online? How are brands representing themselves online?  What are influencers and cultural leaders saying online?  

Our Social Media Intelligence helps to capture, analyze and leverage insights from the rich and unbiased source of social media channels. 

Through these insights, you’ll glean a deeper understanding of what is driving market differentiation – and gaps between consumer expectation and the product experience. The result? Better-informed new product development strategy and concepts.

How can we help you?

Are you developing a new product and in need of distinctive, powerful insights to turbo charge your innovation? We can help you out.