
Reinforcing positive feelings of well-being

Emotions stem from instinctive reactions, not reasoning. They are controlled by the brain’s limbic system which also controls the sense of smell. It takes only 3.3 second to inhale and exhale but a brief encounter with scent lingers much longer in consumers’ memories. Olfaction plays an essential role in all our lives by transmitting emotions and ultimately influencing purchase behavior. 

Our fragrances heighten consumers’ positive emotional experiences across many touchpoints. We have created a multifaceted modular program, EmotiOn, to help our clients develop perfect product mixes that delight and satisfy consumers.

Anchored in 25 years of research together with distinguished scientific partners and universities, our EmotiOn program is based on cutting-edge neuroscientific research. Combined with our deep consumer insights this helps us create meaningful emotional stories through products.

80% of consumers' daily
decisions are based on emotions.
Unlock the Power of Fragrance

Firmenich’s EmotiON program creates wellness fragrances that deliver scientifically validated and regionally relevant emotional benefits. 

Olfaction is one of the most elusive of the human senses. It serves several critical functions, such as our ability to locate and select food, our choice of mates, influencing our social life and helping with danger avoidance.

Focus woman

An emotion and odor map developed through rigorous testing in many countries and regions that displays affective feelings triggered by different scents. Because responses to odors differ around the world, the map is adapted to each country. It clarifies the scent-emotion link and adds a new layer of information to consumer tests.

Ability to Focus: A Real Consumer Need

It’s been said that goldfish have a short attention span, measured at 9 seconds.

Some studies have shown that humans now have an attention span of 8.5 seconds.

Consumers tell us they are turning towards fragrance to provide holistic wellness solutions for mind and body. In fact, 73% of consumers say they “appreciate scent more than before” (from 56% the first survey at the onset of the pandemic) and 66% of consumers believe that fragrances can do more than “make products smell good” by providing functional benefits.

With the combination of cutting-edge science, state-of-the-art technology, in-depth consumer research and the expertise of our perfumers, we have unlocked the code to bring focus into peoples’ lives. Focus can help consumers achieve increased mental performance, making them more efficient in their tasks.

Lady with hat
AI-Generated, Powered by EmotiCode™

dsm-firmenich’s latest advancement in the field of emotions aids in boosting the attention of consumers to help them get into a state of flow and thrive. 

EmotiCode™ focus are patent-pending, AI- Generated cross-category design rules to create fragrances that help you focus and have been scientifically validated using specifically designed behavioral tasks. 

“Our revamped EmotiCODE™ tool is elevating fragrance design to the next level of olfactory science.”

Jean-Michel Zenhausern, dsm-firmenich Perfumer

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