TriPro® Technology

Scientifically Proven Sun Care Technology

Speeding up formulation with a synergistic, future-proof UV filter combination for high-performance products

Discover our innovative TriPro® Technology, that revolutionizes the formulation process by optimizing the synergy between advanced UV filters. This innovative approach ensures faster development times and enhances product stability. Our TriPro® Technology reduces the need for solvents and enables you to reach a sustainable eco profile of sun care products. The result is a formulation that not only meets but exceeds performance standards, offering superior protection and skin comfort.

TriPro® Technology - Scientifically proven Sun Care technology

TriPro® Sun Care Technology addresses the complex challenges of sun care formulation with a focus on efficacy, sustainability and superior skin feel. TriPro® Technology amplifies technical benefits and sets new standards for high-performance sun care.

- Develop high-performance sun care products
- Master product stability
- Reduce solvent needs
- Create formulations with a better skin feel

Our super charged ratio unlocks unmatched synergistic effects.

Get in touch to find out more about TriPro® Technology

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