Press Release

February 4, 2020

DSM signs a collaboration and commercialization agreement with S-Biomedic to bring probiotic technology to the skin care market

The collaboration aims to bring a new probiotic technology-based skin care active for the treatment of acne to market. DSM will be S-Biomedic’s world-wide exclusive manufacturing & go-to-market partner for this active and plans to start commercialization of the new technology within the next 18-24 months.

2020 News & Events


Kaiseraugst, CH, 04 Feb 2020 09:00 CET

Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials, today announces a collaboration and commercialization agreement with S-Biomedic. The collaboration aims to bring a new probiotic technology-based skin care active for the treatment of acne to market.  DSM will be S-Biomedic’s world-wide exclusive manufacturing & go-to-market partner for this active and plans to start commercialization of the new technology within the next 18-24 months.  

The microbiome is a strategic area for DSM. The company already holds a strong position in the field of  gut health, with its range of probiotic solutions, and sees significant growth potential in probiotic skin care and other microbiome-focused solutions.

Recent studies into the skin microbiome reveal that skin-associated diseases such as acne vulgaris, eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff are associated with strong and specific changes within the microbiome. Researchers from S-Biomedic have been studying how live bacteria can be used to  modulate the skin microbiome’s composition. "We observed better results using a multi-strain donor solution with recipient skin rich in a specific Cutibacterium acnes subtype, with positive features isolated from healthy individuals", explained Bernhard Paetzold, lead author of the study and co -founder and Chief Scientific Officer of S-Biomedic. These research findings open up vast opportunities for the development of probiotic solutions that could help improve microbiome status from diseased to healthy, specifically to treat inflammatory acne.

Under the terms of the agreement, DSM will contribute its manufacturing and commercialization expertise. “DSM has a proven track record in developing vitamins, yeast extracts, preservatives, cultures, biofuels, and bio-plastics via biotechnology ” , commented Rishabh Pande, Vice President Marketing & Innovation, Personal Care & Aroma at DSM. “We have a solid manufacturing foundation to build on, and together with our strong expertise in distribution and marketing we look forward to bringing this exciting technology to the market”. 

About S-Biomedic

S-Biomedic is a Belgium based life science company working with live bacteria, exploring the unexploited cosmetic and therapeutic potential of the skin microbiome. The skin microbiome  –  a habitat of billions of beneficial and harmful bacteria  –  contributes to a healthy skin. An imbalance of these bacteria can lead to a variety of skin problems. The skin microbiome offers unparalleled skincare and clinical opportunities for a wide range of unmet medical conditions. This represents a unique opportunity for the commercial development of break -through cosmetic and dermatological products. In this field, S-Biomedic has developed a lead program focusing on acne. Simultaneously, two early stage concept development programs have been initiated focusing on ageing and dandruff. S-Biomedic is a resident at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, JLABS in Beerse (JLABS @ BE). More information on www . sbiomedic .com.