Press Release

November 14, 2016

DSM reveals “Five Actives – Five Actions” solution to protect skin against environmental pollution

The skin care approach “Five Actives – Five Actions”, builds on recent scientific advances to improve skin comfort, protection, color, quality, and perfection.

News & Events 2016


Kaiseraugst, CH, 14 Nov 2016 12:00 CET

DSM, one of the leading suppliers of personal care ingredients, has developed a comprehensive approach to protect skin against the effects of environmental stressors, which the company is calling “Five Actives – Five Actions”. The approach has built on recent scientific advances to determine how the company’s leading actives can be applied to improve skin comfort, protection, color, quality, and perfection.

It has long been known that environmental pollution has a detrimental effect on skin. Nearly 20 years ago, DSM was already analyzing the effects of ozone on the skin, and in 1999 launched its first anti-pollution skin care active, PREREGEN® PF. Building on advances in science, DSM now focuses on new science like epigenetics (the study of heritable changes in gene expression occurring without changes in DNA sequence) to examine how pollution influences underlying skin functions.

Today DSM’s Personal Care business unit is proud to reveal a comprehensive new evidence-based concept that combines five leading DSM actives: ALPAFLOR® EDELWEISS, PEPHA®-TIGHT, PEPHA®-PROTECT, REGU®-FADE and PREREGEN® PF. With their known mode of action and proven in vivo efficacy on skin appearance and sensation, these were the ideal candidates to generate anti-pollution actives.

For the “Five Actives – Five Actions” approach new in vitro studies were conducted on the pollutants urban dust (PM 2.5 & PM 10), benz(a)pyrene (BaP, a pollutant found in industrial combustion processes, car exhausts and cigarette smoke), and ozone. Focus parameters were oxidative damage, skin barrier disruption, cell viability reduction, inflammation induction, and epigenetic modulation.

Results clearly showed that the “Five Actives – Five Actions” approach helps to increase cell viability, to reduce inflammation markers IL-8 and PGE2, to modulate epigenetic marker microRNA and to reduce DNA damage. Ultimately the research distinguished five actions leading to improved skin comfort, protection, color, quality, and perfection.

Alexandre Rio, Global Marketing Manager Skin Care at DSM Nutritional Products, comments: “Until now skin anti-aging care focused on two fundamental needs: the need to protect the skin against extrinsic aging due to UV radiation, and the need to help the skin overcome intrinsic aging. DSM Personal Care is very well equipped to address these first two needs with its unique Sunscreens, Vitamins and Skin Care ingredients portfolio. Now, thanks to our “Five Actives – Five Actions” approach, the result of rigorous scientific research in the service of skin health and beauty, a third fundamental need is being comprehensively addressed: the need to protect the skin against environmental pollution.”