GlyCare® 2FL/DFL

GlyCare® 2 fucosyllactose & difucosyllactose

GlyCare® 2FL/DFL will be available as a mix of 2'FL and DFL in a ratio close to the composition naturally found in breast milk1.

2'FL (2'fucosyllactose) is the most abundant fucosylated Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO) in human milk at ~2g/L. Clinical research describes that 2'FL is positively supporting the health of infants. 

DFL (DiFucosyllactose or Lactodifucotetraose, LDFT) is a highly abundant fucosylated HMO in human milk. Emerging preclinical data suggests a potential role for DFL in gut health. 

Gut health and microbiota

Preclinical studies suggest DFL may reduce the risk of pathogenic bacteria adhering to the intestinal cell wall2,3,4. Additional preclinical data suggests DFL may also support gut health by selectively supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria5,6.

2FL/DFL has been approved as a Novel Food in Europe and regulatory filings have been made in the US. Preparation is on the way for other major markets. 

GlyCare® 2FL/DFL is available commercially.


1. Thurl S, Munzert M, Boehm G, Matthews C, Stahl B. Systematic review of the concentrations of oligosaccharides in human milk. Nutr Rev. 2017;75(11):920-933. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nux044 

2. Coppa, G. V., Zampini, L., Galeazzi, T., Facinelli, B., Ferrante, L., Capretti, R., & Orazio, G. (2006). Human milk oligosaccharides inhibit the adhesion to Caco-2 cells of diarrheal pathogens: Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella fyris. Pediatric Research, 59(3), 377–382. 

3. Cravioto, A., Tello, A., Villafan, H., Ruiz, J., Del Vedovo, S., & Neeser, J. R. (1991). Inhibition of localized adhesion of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli to HEp-2 cells by immunoglobulin and oligosaccharide fractions of human colostrum and breast milk. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 163(6), 1247–1255. 

4. Craft, K. M., & Townsend, S. D. (2019). Mother Knows Best: Deciphering the Antibacterial Properties of Human Milk Oligosaccharides. Accounts of Chemical Research, 52(3), 760–768. 

5. Asakuma, S., Hatakeyama, E., Urashima, T., Yoshida, E., Katayama, T., Yamamoto, K., Kumagai, H., Ashida, H., Hirose, J., and Kitaoka, M. (2011). Physiology of consumption of human milk oligosaccha- rides by infant gut-associated bifidobacteria. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(40):34583–34592.

6. Yu, Z. T., Chen, C., Kling, D. E., Liu, B., McCoy, J. M., Merighi, M., … Newburg, D. S. (2013). The principal fucosylated oligosaccharides of human milk exhibit prebiotic properties on cultured infant microbiota. Glycobiology, 23(2), 169–177. 

HMO health benefits & solutions

Human milk oligosaccharides may support a number of health benefits such as immunity and gut health in early life.

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