Quality for Life®

Giving consumers peace of mind

Our Quality for Life® pledge

As clean labels for food, supplements and personal care items become increasingly important to your family, we live by our Quality for Life® pledge to deliver the highest quality ingredients that nourish and protect your family while also building a better environment.

The four pillars of Quality, Reliability, Traceability and Sustainability are at the core of our business and are there to give you peace of mind.

quality for life logo


In a world where more and more consumers are placing an emphasis on quality when making food and supplement purchases, dsm-firmenich works diligently to develop and deliver the highest quality ingredient products.  

Indonesian woman on the rice field.

The Quality for Life® 
promise and our Quali® seals reinforce the quality and safety standards behind our superior ingredients.

dsm-firmenich is one of those large companies that consumers do not really know. This is surprising considering a mere two pounds of our vitamin A (Quali®-A) can be added to a million cereal bars, three million eggs or eight metric tons of infant formula, reaching 9,000 infants. Our reach is global and significant, so our products – the vitamins, minerals and ingredients you depend on daily – must be of exceptional quality.

The way to establish and maintain consumers’ trust is to ensure Quality, Reliability, Traceability and Sustainability throughout the complex food, supplement and personal care production processes. And, this is what we do – give you peace of mind.

You can trust dsm-firmenich to bring you products that are consistent in quality and high in purity.

MAASTRICHT, NETHERLANDS : dsm-firmenich photo reportage, at Maastricht Headquarters, Netherlands.


We understand you have lots of options when shopping for your everyday food, beverage, supplement and personal care products. That is why reliability is an integral part of our Quality for Life® promise.

Our Quali® ingredients are reliable, meaning they will consistently deliver on their intended use - whether it is in your skin cream, the milk you pack in your child's lunch or the daily supplement you take to help ensure optimal nutrition.  We will consistently meet (and often exceed) your expectations.

Proximity is key to our reliability. Our global reach means that you can expect to receive the same ingredients, manufactured to the same quality and safety standards, wherever you are in the world.

Through our reliability, you can be confident that any product ingredient sourced from dsm-firmenich will be the same every time.


As a consumer, how can you be assured of the true origin of the ingredients in your food, beverage, supplement or personal care products? It is all about traceability – our ability to track and verify the quality of our products throughout their life cycle.

Shot of a young woman browsing the shelves of a pharmacy

dsm-firmenich incorporates traceability as a hallmark of the Quality for Life® promise to trace all of our Quali® ingredient products through every stage of sourcing, production, processing and distribution. This allows us to verify quality throughout the manufacturing process. If a product does not meet our stringent quality expectations, we can quickly withdraw or recall products and trace them back to their source. 

In a tea garden in spring, an Asian male farmer picks tea leaves. Vibrant organic farms, tea harvests, new agricultural technologies leading to higher crop yields, and a low-carbon economy contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.


A recent global study conducted by Capgemini Research Institute found that more consumers are buying sustainable products and altering their food habits. Sustainability is a critical factor in purchasing decisions for 64% of consumers, and 71% are aware of the environmental impact of food waste.1 At dsm-firmenich, sustainability is a fundamental element of who we are and why we exist.

Sustainability is deeply embedded in the purpose of dsm-firmenich and is a key component to our Quality for Life® promise and our Quali® ingredients.

We put significant efforts into improving the efficacy of food and personal care ingredient production within all levels of the industry. For instance, we invest  in reducing the environmental footprint of the products we produce and develop. We continually strive to reduce energy consumption and the environmental impact of our activities while optimizing land and resource use.

Quality for Life® extends beyond products and services to incorporate our commitment to the environment and society. The seal symbolizes our pledge to uphold ethical values in relationships with customers, employees and partners as well as the way we respect our planet. Our recurring high scores in Ecovadis, CDP and other investors ratings such as MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS ESG or FTSE4Good Index series reflects our success in achieving this. Deeply anchored within our business, our sustainability strategy addresses some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Our family of seals

Made up of vitamins & nutrients

quality for life logos

Quality for life® is a trademark of dsm-firmenich. The information contained here about Quality for life® is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your health care practitioner before changing your dietary regimen.