
Discover the power of synbiotics across the lifespan

Elevate your next product with synbiotics

More than the sum of their parts, synbiotics are a mixture of live microorganisms and substrate(s) that  confer health benefits to the host either by complementary or synergistic effects. Our synbiotics offering includes powerful solutions for both the early life and dietary supplements markets.

Synbiotics for infant nutrition

Break new ground in early life nutrition with dsm-firmenich's groundbreaking synbiotic solutions, which combine the power of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOS) and probiotics to help support infant health and development.

Two baby girls lying on the bed , looking at a mobile phone
Senior couple staying home and staying fit during COVID-19 lockdown

Synbiotics for gut health

Are you ready to unleash the power of synbiotics in your next dietary supplement innovation? Our prebiotic-probiotic combination can re-define gut health with elevated solutions that better support consumers’ health and wellbeing.

Connect with an expert

Get in touch with our expert team to unlock the potential of synbiotics for your next top-selling product!

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