
Health Benefit - China

Immunity is top of everyone’s mind right now, largely due to COVID-19. The pandemic has forever changed consumer attitudes and behaviors towards health and immunity - and the way we view nutrition. 

Nutrition and immune health are closely connected. 
Because nutrients are in contact with different immune organs, they can help strengthen the body‘s defense system.
The immune system needs multiple specific micronutrients - which work in harmony and support body functions for a healthy immune system.
Ultimately: optimal intake of multiple nutrients can support the body’s immune system - and reduce the risk, duration and severity of infections.

40% of Chinese consumers worry about their health, with all age groups focused on improving their resilience.
They also have good awareness of the specific nutrients supporting their defenses.
Percentage of Chinese consumers that associate the ingredients mentioned below with immune health benefits:
71% Vitamin C          61% Vitamin D          32.6% Zinc    

Source: DSM Global Health Concern Study - China results, 2023

dsm-firmenich Premix DEFENSE contains Vitamin C*, Vitamin D & Zinc

Vitamin C plays an important role in the human immune system. Highly concentrated in white blood cells, it’s our first line of defense against injury and pathogens. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant  and protect us against the effects of oxidative stress. Taking vitamin C on a regular basis also helps reduce the duration and severity of the common cold by replacing the vitamin C lost by the body to infection.

*vitamin C is included in the premix following upcoming new GB standards (category 14.03)
It is available a version of the premix without vitamin C, in compliance with current GB standards

Healthy and strong happiness of a senior woman : Senior woman with a cheerful heart, standing in the liberty of fresh air in a garden with trees and fresh nature.

Vitamin D - often referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ - has been found to play an important role in the function of the immune system. Immune cells have vitamin D receptors that enable this nutrient to contribute many essential actions in both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Daily vitamin D intake raises blood serum levels and may lower the incidence rate of acute respiratory tract infections.

Zinc is the second-most common trace mineral in the body after iron and is found in every living cell. It plays many vital roles in our body and is necessary for a healthy immune system. Zinc helps promote the growth, maturation and activity of immune cells and is involved in the function of several hundred enzymes.

Hence, an adequate zinc supply is important for maintaining our immune system function; with zinc-deficient consumers often more prone to various infectious diseases.

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