
Health Benefit - United States

Covid-19 has increased consumers’ health awareness and made them question their own immunity.

As a result, more people are now exploring ways to boost their immunity and prevent illness. After all, prevention is better than cure…

Nutrition and immune health are closely connected. 

Because nutrients are in contact with different immune organs, they can help strengthen the body‘s defense system.

The immune system needs multiple specific micronutrients - which work in harmony and support body functions for a healthy immune system.
Ultimately: optimal intake of multiple nutrients can support the body’s immune system - and reduce the risk, duration and severity of infections.

1 in 2 consumers living in USA are worried about immunity*
32% of those worried about their immunity take action through nutrition*

*Global Health Concern Study, DSM, 2023 – NA Results

Our solution to meet this consumer need: dsm-firmenich Premix XR73877 contains Vitamins A, D, B2 & B12 to maintain immune defenses and contribute to overall good health status

A source of vitamin D and B12 that supports the body’s immune system. 
Vitamin D plays a role in both innate and adaptive immune response.
Vitamin B12 facilitates the production of immune cells.

Vitamin A supports the barrier to prevent pathogens entering the body and supports the antibody response

At the recommended dosage rate, the premix provides a source of Calcium and vitamin B12 often lacking in those who follow an animal-free diet.

At the suggested dosage rate, the premix provides a source of vitamin B2 – which is involved in energy metabolism, development and growth, and red blood cells formation

Explore the other benefits

Suitable for vegetarians





Read more about our solutions for plant-based drinks
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