Press Release

december 14, 2021

DSM reinforces leadership position in antibiotic residue detection solutions

Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Bioscience, has ce-mented its reputation as the dairy industry’s gold standard provider of antibiotic residue testing by securing re-accreditation from independent quality standards body, Association Française de Normalization (AFNOR).


Delft, NL, 14 December 2021 10:00 CET

Royal DSM, a global science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Bioscience, has cemented its reputation as the dairy industry’s gold standard provider of antibiotic residue testing by securing re-accreditation from independent quality standards body, Association Française de Normalization (AFNOR). Delvotest® T has achieved internationally recognized Normalization Francaise (NF) validation for testing at bulk tank level and now also at the single cow level, making it the only AFNOR-certified broad-spectrum test for milk available on the market. Delvotest® T is a reliable, accurate and easy-to-use test that allows farmers and milk control laboratories to deliver safe milk to market, without the risk of contamination.

Antibiotic residue testing throughout the production chain is the only way to ensure that antibiotic residues are below maximum residue limits (MRL) and milk products deliver on the reliability, quality and traceability that consumers expect. Delvotest® T facilitates the early detection of antibiotic residues in milk by testing at single cow and bulk tank level. Delvotest® T underwent rigorous, fully randomized testing to achieve AFNOR validation status, with the study concluding that Delvotest® T is a robust, effective and quality tool for farmers, dairy companies and control labs to conduct routine residue analysis.

“At DSM, we work tirelessly to provide market-leading solutions that support the dairy industry in achieving streamlined, frictionless processes that ensure high quality standards from farm to fork,” said Ana Lemos, Business Manager Milk Tests at DSM. “This re-certification reaffirms DSM’s commitment to providing effective, reliable, high-quality testing. The fact that Delvotest® T is the only AFNOR-certified broad-spectrum test available for milk on the market – detecting the widest spectrum of antibiotic residues in at both bulk tank and single cow level - highlights the pivotal role it plays in ensuring farmers and consumers alike are confident and reassured about the quality and safety of their milk.”

Delvotest® T is an internationally validated solution that detects the major antibiotics and delivers all-important accuracy and reliability in milk testing, helping to minimize the risk of fines and reduce milk losses caused by milk contamination. Delvotest® T offers peace of mind on milk quality, while also helping to increase product yield and profitability for both farmers and dairies, prevent delays and avoid interruptions in the supply chain. The use of the test can also allow dairies to significantly cut down food wastage, helping the market to reduce its carbon footprint and positively contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“As a member of the Champions 12.3 coalition, DSM is dedicated to accelerating progress towards halving global food waste and reducing food losses along production and supply chains,” added Ana Lemos. “DSM’s solutions play an important role in achieving this target and we remain committed to helping customers achieve their sustainability and environmental objectives.”

Re-certification of Delvotest® T was granted following an extensive validation study conducted by AFNOR, according to the new EU ISO 23587-IDF 251 guidelines.

For more information on Delvotest® T and DSM’s wider portfolio of antibiotic residue testing solutions, visit the website. More information about AFNOR’s validation of Delvotest® T can be found here.

For more information
Stephen Hufton

Director Communications & External Affairs
DSM Food Specialties
+31 6 1300 1159

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