
Januar 15, 2021

Add value, boost output with high-performance yeast-based nutrients



Our solutions in yeast-based nutrients help you achieve high quality fermentation, every time

With over 150 years of fermentation experience, DSM has built a comprehensive portfolio of robust nutrient solutions that can help customers overcome their performance, production and operational challenges.

As a long-standing partner in food and beverage solutions, DSM actively uses yeast extracts to produce cultures, enzymes, vitamins and bio-based ingredient solutions. At our Rosalind Franklin Biotechnology Center in Delft, our bright scientists are working every day to accelerate DSM’s biotechnology research and develop innovative capabilities for new applications. This combination of expertise and experience uniquely positions us to enable customers to get the most value out of their fermentation processes.

One of the most important factors for consistent, stable and high-quality fermentation processes is selecting a reliable, high-performance nutrient source. Building upon our great experience in using yeast extracts, DSM partners with you to understand your specific requirements and how the right nutrient solution can impact your output, process and operational stability.

A comprehensive portfolio paired with unmatched application expertise

DSM offers nitrogen and nutrient solutions to meet your fermentation media needs. Our portfolio includes (enriched) yeast extracts and yeast peptones well as cell walls that can be used in a broad range of fermentation processes  and applications. Our regional sales and technical experts can guide and support you at every step.

Consistency & quality  

Both are delivered with DSM’s fermentation solutions:

Our solutions are also allergen-free, Kosher, Halal, non-GMO and animal-free.

Reliable supply

Flexible solutions and secure supply

Consitent quality

Limited lot-to-lot variation

Improved yield

Optimized fermentation drives profitability

Attractive cost-in-use

Achieve your business targets

Key Applications
  • Starter cultures
  • Probiotics
  • Culture media
  • Pant health bacteria
  • Optimal growth for fast acidification
  • Robust cells that tolerate downstream process steps (e.g. freeze-drying)
Key Applications
  • Brewing
  • Fermentation-based proteins
  • Enzymes & Amino acids
  • Aromatics
  • Fermented food products
  • Optimal growth for high cell count/viability
  • Fast fermentation & growth kinetics
  • High productivity & increased yield
  • Good solubility
Key Applications
  • Vitamins
  • Antibiotics
  • DHA
  • PUFA’s
  • High titers and productivity
  • Good solubility
Key Applications
  • Biofuels
  • Biobased building blocks and organic acids
  • Optimal growth for high cell count/viability
  • Capturing potential inhibitors
  • Fast propagation & fermentation kinetics
  • High productivity & increased yield
Achieve consistent high-quality fermentation with yeast-based nutrients

One of the most important factors for consistent, stable and high-quality fermentation processes is selecting a reliable and high-performance nutrient source.

DSM is an established, long-standing and trusted partner that can consistently deliver these quality solutions, ensuring your success.

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