ELHIBIN® PF is a Chinese listed, bioactive cosmetic ingredient that helps to promote youthful elastic skin conditions and combat the ageing process.
Un activo biotecnológico para retrasar el envejecimiento acelerado de la piel
DISMUTIN® PF es un activo biotecnológico para la piel, superóxido dismutasa (SOD) altamente purificada de Saccharomyces cerevisiae con destacada actividad antiinflamatoria.
ELHIBIN® PF is a Chinese listed, bioactive cosmetic ingredient that helps to promote youthful elastic skin conditions and combat the ageing process.
PEPHA®-PROTECT is natural bioactive extracted from watermelon, very rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It harnesses the action of the watermelon to strengthen the natural defenses of human skin.