Meet dsm-firmenich at CPHI 2024

Together, elevating patient health

Partner with us to find the right solution for the development of safe and effective drug formulations, starting with the patient in mind. Our high-quality APIs and specialty excipients can support your drug development process, backed by extensive regulatory, quality and technical expertise – with sustainability at the core.

In the spotlight this year:
  • Quality and regulatory services to help you stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving market requirements.
  • Sustainability services that provide tangible data and help improve your Scope 3 targets.
  • Flavor tonalities and innovative taste modulators to improve patient convenience and compliance.
  • CBtru® - a pioneering CBD drug intermediate enabling oral solid dosage forms with optimized bioavailability.

Register before mid-September using the promo code EXIF1389 for a free pass.

Participe en el Evento de Innovación de dsm-firmenich 24 de octubre, 16:30 - 18:30h | CPHI día 1 

Encienda la innovación e impulse el progreso. Acompañe a dsm-firmenich en el aperitivo del primer día del CPHI mientras se sumerge en charlas sobre liderazgo intelectual, un carrusel de innovaciones y sesiones de preguntas y respuestas de expertos&.

Póngase en contacto con su gestor de cuenta para registrar su interés


Reúnase con dsm-firmenich para explorar oportunidades de asociación y hacer realidad los avances en el espacio farmacéutico.

Let's connect at CPHI

Register your interest to meet with a dsm-firmenich expert at CPHI 2024.

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