Press Release

Februar 20, 2018

DSM highlights its dairy enzymes, cultures, bioprotective solutions and antibiotic residue tests at CFIA Rennes 2018

DSM highlights its range of ingredients and solutions for the dairy industry.


Delft, NL, 20 Feb 2018 10:00 CET

DSM, a global science-based company active in health, nutrition, and materials, will highlight its range of ingredients and solutions for the dairy industry at this year’s Carrefour des Fournisseurs de l’Industrie Agroalimentaire (CFIA) in Rennes, France. With consumers increasingly reaching for healthy dairy products at mealtimes and snacks, DSM will showcase its solutions that help food producers meet the growing demand for healthy, tasty, and affordable dairy.

Flavored yogurt is popular among consumers for its great taste, however it can be high in sugar. Research from DSM conducted in October 2017 shows that sugar reduction is a high priority for most consumers, with 65% of French consumers saying they pay attention to the amount of sugar in their diet. To enable sugar reduction in flavored dairy products while maintaining the desired sensory profile, DSM has an enzyme- and culture-based concept on offer. With Maxilact® and Delvo®Yog, the sweetness that is naturally present in dairy products can be doubled while providing enhanced taste and texture, thereby enabling dairy producers to reduce added sugar in their recipes.

Swiss-style cheese is also a popular staple in the shopping baskets of many consumers because it is flavorful and versatile, perfect for a wide range of recipes. DSM recently introduced a new culture for the efficient production of tasty, firm-textured Swiss cheese that can help producers to keep up with this demand. DSM’s Delvo®Cheese SW-250 guarantees consistent end-product quality, sensory profile, and signature eye formation, while creating cheese with distinctly Swiss, isovaleric and clean taste notes. This new addition to DSM’s portfolio of Swiss cheese cultures complements and completes the range, which includes propioni bacteria, enzymes, and coagulants.

Visitors to DSM’s booth at CFIA can learn more about the company’s complete range of dairy solutions, serving the industry from cow to consumer. This includes bio-preservation solutions, such as bioprotective cultures, as well as DSM’s globally-recognized Delvotest® products for residual antibiotic testing in dairy.

For more information
Stephen Hufton

Senior Communications Manager
+31 6 1300 1159

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