Press Release

März 9, 2017

DSM’s new protective Delvo®Guard cultures reduce food waste in dairy

DSM has expanded its range of natural food protection solutions with the launch of a new range of highly effective protective cultures that increase the shelf life of dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream and fresh cheese.


Delft, NL, 09 Mar 2017 09:00 CET

DSM has expanded its range of natural food protection solutions with the launch of a new range of highly effective protective cultures that increase the shelf life of dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream and fresh cheese. Effectively combating yeast and mold growth, these new Delvo®Guard cultures are specifically targeted at producers who are looking for clean label solutions to reduce dairy losses and to increase the shelf life of their products.

Consumers are reading labels more carefully than ever, seeking natural and easily recognizable ingredients. Using DelvoGuard protective cultures helps dairy producers meet these consumer demands as no additional labeling is needed.

The patent-pending DelvoGuard cultures are based on Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus sakei strains. Building on the traditional principles of fermentation, DSM’s food scientists have harnessed these strains to develop a unique solution that provide synergistic effects against yeast and mold in two ways: by the production of various inhibitory compounds and through competitive exclusion. This enables a longer shelf-life and supports producers in expanding their geographical markets and developing innovative product concepts, without concerns about fungal spoilage.

Food & beverage producers including dairy go to great lengths to boost efficiency and minimize waste throughout the production and distribution of their products, as do retailers at the point of sale. Studies show that a considerable level of waste occurs after the moment of purchase; in developed markets like North America and Europe, this phase accounts for as much as half of all dairy food waste1 explains Gregory Kesel, director of the Cultures business at DSM Food Specialties. “Enabling dairy companies to ensure that their products stay in perfect condition for days or even weeks longer helps their brands and business — and helps consumers to reduce the amount of food that gets thrown away because of spoilage, instead of being eaten and enjoyed.

DSM continues to invest in expanding the body of scientific knowledge and in widening its range of cultures, natural food protection solutions and enzymes for the dairy industry. The company produces a broad portfolio of dairy solutions, from cow to consumer, aiming to help make diets healthier, more nutritious and more sustainable, enabling better food for everyone.

1) Global food losses and food waste, FAO, 2011

For more information
Stephen Hufton

Senior Communications Manager
+31 6 1300 1159

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