Animal Nutrition & Health

Mycofix® Secure


The risk management solution against aflatoxins and/or ergot alkaloids in animal feed.

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How it Works

It uses adsorption as mode of action to deliver protection against bindable mycotoxins.​

Benefits of Mycofix® Secure

  • Effective binding of aflatoxin B1 and ergot alkaloids by bentonite and prevention of their absorption

  • Low adsorption of vitamins

  • Ensure food safety (reduced aflatoxin carry-over)

Mycotoxins - Harmful and Widespread

Over 90% of all analyzed agricultural commodity samples contain one or more mycotoxins according to the latest dsm-firmenich Mycotoxin Survey.

Mycotoxins impair the health status and performance of animals

Negative effects include impaired reproduction, digestive disorders, weakened immune function, carcinogenicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity and decreased performance—in addition to higher production costs and lower profits for producers.


Mineral adsorbents selectively bind adsorbable mycotoxins such as aflatoxins* and ergot alkaloids as well as endotoxins. Mycofix® contains EU authorized bentonite which binds more than 90% of aflatoxins, meeting the strict requirements set by the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL).

*Regulation (EU) No 1060/2013


For more information about the application of Mycofix® please use the contact form to reach your local dsm-firmenich representative.

Certain statements may not be applicable in all geographical regions. Product associated claims may differ based on government requirements.
Product availability may vary by country, please contact us for more information.
Mycofix® is not available in the US and Canada.

Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions (including but not limited to USA and Canada).

