Animal Nutrition & Health



Measuring egg yolk color

Consumers apply a range of criteria when judging the quality of an egg, from shell strength through freshness and traceability to egg yolk color.

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The dsm-firmenich YolkFan™

dsm-firmenich has studied consumer preferences in many parts of the world and found that, while preferences vary, consumers in most countries prefer an egg yolk color with a dsm-firmenich YolkFanTM value of 12 or more.

The dsm-firmenich YolkFanTM offers a simple, accurate and consistent means of measuring egg yolk color. To ensure optimal accuracy during measurement, the following factors should be taken into consideration.

Selected species

How to measure egg yolk color using the YolkFan™ lineal

The evaluation should be carried out against a white, non-reflective surface, in order to eliminate the influence of adjacent colors.

The blades of the dsm-firmenich YolkFanTM should be held immediately above the egg yolk and viewed vertically from above, with the blade numbers facing down and the yolk positioned between the tips of the blade. The reader should always face the side of the blade without numbers and show the number to the assistant for recording. The fan should be closed from one egg to the next to ensure the independence of every measurement.


The evaluation should be carried out using indirect daylight and not artificial light. The use of indirect light prevents distracting reflections from the glossy surface of the yolk.

The evaluation of any experimental series should be carried out by the same trained observer. The series should comprise anything between 4 and 15 eggs (depending on variability), and these should be evaluated individually. 


When the evaluation is complete, the dsm-firmenich YolkFanTM should be cleaned and stored away from direct sources of light.


The next generation is here:
Digital YolkFan™ Pro

It gives you the possibility to handle and collect data from several units in one central dashboard, unlocking the power of your smart phone for you to take the right decisions. 
