ELHIBIN® PF is a Chinese listed, bioactive cosmetic ingredient that helps to promote youthful elastic skin conditions and combat the ageing process.
Hilft, die Zeichen der Zeit zu verzögern
Dank seiner Zusammensetzung, die reich an natürlichen Di-, Tri- und Tetra-Reispeptiden ist, hilft COLHIBIN CB, die Zeichen der Zeit zu verzögern und die Rauheit der Haut zu reduzieren. Es hemmt das Enzym MMP 1 und hilft, die Haut vor ungeplantem Kollagenabbau zu schützen. Außerdem ist es eine wirksame Lösung für gesund aussehendes Haar.
*: in vitro **: in vivo
Siehe Rechtlicher Status China Statement
Halal-zertifiziert durch HFCE (Halal Food Council of Europe)
ELHIBIN® PF is a Chinese listed, bioactive cosmetic ingredient that helps to promote youthful elastic skin conditions and combat the ageing process.
PEPHA®-PROTECT is natural bioactive extracted from watermelon, very rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. It harnesses the action of the watermelon to strengthen the natural defenses of human skin.
DISMUTIN® PF is a biotech skin active, highly purified superoxide dismutase (SOD) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae with outstanding anti-inflammatory activity.
PREREGEN® PF is a unique bioactive mix of botanically derived peptides and biotechnologically produced oxido reductases. This unique complex shows free radical neutralization and elastase-inhibiting properties, as well as anti-ozone activity.