Press Release

März 18, 2021

DSM shines spotlight on vitamin D in India, says it's time to 'Boost Your ImmuniD'

Campaign seeks to address 80% of Indians having insufficient levels of vitamin D and highlight its importance in building immunity.

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Singapore, SG

Royal DSM, a global, purpose-led, science-based company active in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, launched an exciting digital-led campaign in India conceptualised by Flying Cursor Interactive, underlining the need to boost vitamin D levels through proper nutrition.

The campaign ‘Boost your ImmuniD’ is a DSM India Corporate Social Responsibility initiative addressing the fact that 80% of Indians have insufficient levels of vitamin D in their blood, and throwing light on the need for vitamin D as a vital source for building immunity. Vitamin D is mostly known for its functions in bone and muscle health and positive influence on immunity, supporting the body’s fight against pneumonia and influenza and various other infectious diseases. Studies show there is a clear link between vitamin D and immune health.1

Limited exposure to sunlight and few food sources that contain vitamin D are the main reasons why people suffer from vitamin D deficiency and despite being a sun-rich country, India's population faces vitamin D deficiency. Low levels of vitamin D lowers your immunity, which may be associated with various health concerns including cancer, depression, muscle weakness, osteoporosis.2

Speaking about the campaign, B. Rajagopal, President, DSM India said, “DSM’s ‘Boost Your ImmuniD’ campaign looks to educate Indians about the importance of vitamin D. The film takes a humorous tone and shows people from different walks of life, reinforcing that while they might be very different outwardly, they can all be vitamin D deficient inside.”

Shormistha Mukherjee, Director, Flying Cursor Interactive, said, “Building one’s immunity is always important, and even more so during the pandemic. Health and nutrition are something everyone should focus on, but this realisation has become very stark in these times. But we also didn’t want to preach to viewers. It's time to Boost Your ImmuniD.”

In the last two years DSM India has organised several community engagement and awareness projects such as Project Streedhan, which was aimed at increasing awareness among urban Indians of prioritising their health. The first phase of the campaign was launched in 2019 on the occasion of Dhanteras, creating awareness about iron-deficiency anaemia, and encouraged women to “invest in iron, not just gold” by consuming iron-rich foods. Launched during the National Nutrition Month 2020, the second leg of Project Streedhan, ‘Sehat Ki Tijori’, rooted for immunity, urging women to view nutritious food as a lifetime investment.


  1. Visit Science Direct "COVID-19 infection, inception and immunity: Observations and recommendations in the light of vitamin D?" website article to learn more 
  2. Visit E Times "The Right Way To Get Vitamin D From The Sun" website article to learn more
For more information
Nelleke Barning

Global Communications and External Affairs Director
+41 618 158 502

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