Animal Nutrition & Health



Improve digestibility in poultry and swine with the leading xylanase enzyme.

Cereal grains suffer from the cage effect — nutrients get trapped inside intact cell walls. RONOZYME® WX is a leading non‐starch polysaccharides (NSP) xylanase enzyme that degrades both soluble and insoluble xylans, key parts of the cell wall structure in cereals, which releases the vital nutrients trapped inside. The degradation of the soluble xylan also significantly reduces the viscosity of the digesta.

In both cases, the result is increased nutrient availability and improved digestibility of corn, wheat, rye, triticale, barley and grain by-products, resulting in outstanding performance in poultry and swine.

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Superb Pelleting Stability

Provides consistent stability in commercial feed mill conditions.

Lower Feed Costs

Improves nutrient mobility and absorption in grains.

Greater Energy Efficiency

Shows consistent energy uplift in trials.

RONOZYME® WX has multiple benefits in broilers.

Supplementing the diets of broiler chicken with RONOZYME® WX xylanase enzyme significantly increases metabolic energy — 3% in corn and 6% in wheat diets — and has a significant impact on your production:

  • Improved efficiency of feed utilization
  • Reduced feed costs
  • Improves weight gain
  • Supports litter quality
  • Contributes to poultry production sustainability

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Superb Pelleting Stability

Provides consistent stability in commercial feed mill conditions.

Lower Feed Costs

Improves nutrient mobility and absorption in grains.

Greater Energy Efficiency

Shows consistent energy uplift in trials.

RONOZYME® WX helps swine grow faster.

When incorporated into swine diets, RONOZYME® WX xylanase increases weight gain and improves feed conversion. The result is more efficient and more profitable animals.

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Not all products are available in all markets nor associated claims allowed in all regions (including but not limited to USA and Canada).

*Not available for sale in Canada.
